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masters' lusts. Look at the slavery of women over the<br />

civilized world, and their submission to the lusts of<br />

their masters. The first case is exceptional and rare—<br />

the last is general and almost universal.<br />

Nature is ever kind, and neglects nothing that can<br />

benefit her creatures. She exerts her power to pre<br />

serve the race, even from these evils. What some<br />

doctors call the vis medicatrix naturce—the healing<br />

power of nature, which tends constantly to growth and<br />

healthy development, which heals our wounds, and<br />

cures our diseases when we give it a chance, and it is<br />

possible to do so ; this ever power operates to purify,<br />

and elevate. It often does much to save<br />

strengthen,<br />

the child from the diseases of the parent, and children<br />

are many times better than we could expect. With all<br />

things in nature working together for good,<br />

culture and educa<br />

we must<br />

not despair, but try to improve by<br />

tion. With good conditions, and surrounded by good<br />

influences, I have seen the faults and diseases of birth<br />

gradually eradicated and cured, until a scarcely sign of<br />

them remained ; and children, born ugly, diseased,<br />

and with unfortunate mental and moral tendencies,<br />

have come to be more beautiful, healthy, and good<br />

than seemed possible in their infancy.<br />


The second condition of health is, that a child should<br />

be well born, or. more properly,<br />

well borne. The<br />

whole state of the mother, during the period of preg<br />

nancy, influences the being of the child. Her blood is<br />

its nutriment, and that blood must be pure. It is from<br />

her nervous system that it derives the elements of its

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