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goes on, month after month, in the female, and contin<br />

ually in the male. Every month an egg is thrown off<br />

from the ovary, passes down the fallopian tube, lodges<br />

in the uterus, and if not fecundated, perishes, and is<br />

expelled as an abortion. At the same time nature is<br />

forming, in the testicles of the male, millions of sperm<br />

atic animalcules, any one of which would probably be<br />

sufficient to effect the fecundation of the extruded ovum.<br />

Before wo mourn over this sad seeming waste of the<br />

elements of life, let us send through nature a glance of<br />

inquiry. How large a proportion of the early blossoms<br />

on our fruit-trees never ripen into fruit ! How many<br />

millions of the seeds of plants become the food of ani<br />

mals, and never carry out their design of reproduction !<br />

Of the millions of eggs which come from a single fish,<br />

how few ever produce young, and if nature were stingy<br />

in her productions, why should there be millions of<br />

spermatozoa in a single discharge of the spermatic fluid,<br />

when it is probable that only one can ever act upon the<br />

same ovum ?<br />

Nature is bountiful. Nature is prolific. Especially<br />

in relation to this function, nature has everywhere dealt<br />

with a liberal hand. Puberty in woman at begins fif<br />

teen, and the monthly evolution of ovae continues till<br />

fifty, when the function ceases. If she has but a single<br />

egg each month, she produces four hundred and twenty.<br />

But many women throw off two, and even three, four,<br />

or five at a monthly period. Twins are often fecun<br />

dated. Thus, a woman who should pass through this<br />

period without fecundation, would produce and waste<br />

five hundred germs of human beings.<br />

It is my opinion that the early effects of the activity

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