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Take a full morning bath, with much friction; mid<br />

forenoon, a dripping sheet ; mid afternoon, a wet-sheet<br />

pack one day, and the next a dry blanket pack, or two<br />

wet-sheet- packs and one blanket on pack the third<br />

day ; all packs long and thorough ; at night wear a<br />

bandage from the hips to the armpits.<br />

Such a course as this, or its equivalent, will wash the<br />

disease out of the system, if it has not already produced<br />

fatal disorganization.<br />

When there is local scrofulous disease, the treatment<br />

must still be general. Cold applications<br />

excite the<br />

diseased action. We must pay especial attention to<br />

secure a healthy nutrition. The food can not be too<br />

pure and simple. It should consist of fruit and farinacea,<br />

'<br />

with soft water to drink.<br />

The scrofulous matter, with this treatment, does<br />

come out. It exudes from every pore. Sometimes it<br />

comes out in eruptions, or boils, filled with the charac<br />

teristic matter ; and whether the matter comes out by<br />

the pores, or a pint at a time from abscesses, the result<br />

is purification, and purification is health.<br />

All general poisonings of the system, as by opium,<br />

tobacco, coffee, tea, ardent spirits, mercury, lead, qui<br />

nine, syphilis, are to be treated upon the same princi<br />

ples as scrofula. -<br />

Scurvy, hydrophobia, glanders, cancer, rheumatism,<br />

and the more external affections, as salt rheum, psora,<br />

impetigo, and the whole list of skin diseases, are subject<br />

to the same laws, and require, with simple and obvious<br />

modifications, the same course of invigoration and puri<br />

fication. I shall speak of many of these separately, but<br />

I group them here to illustrate a principle.

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