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tive of the foregoing facts and principles. Those<br />

who wish for more may find them in abundance in<br />

Mrs. Nichols' "<br />

Experience in Water-Cure," in the<br />

Watcr-Cure Journal, and in various works on Hydro<br />

pathy.<br />

Mrs. , of New York, about thirty, married, was<br />

brought to Mrs. Nichols, covered with salt rheum,<br />

blind, deaf, and her hair all gone, her whole head and<br />

face being covered by a frightful scabby eruption. She<br />

was also suffering from dyspepsia, and uterine disease.<br />

Treatment—strict diet, wet-sheet packs, bandaging, sitz-<br />

bath, vagina syringe. Result—within three months, her<br />

dyspepsia was gone, her uterine system relieved, her<br />

skin smooth and beautiful, her sight snd hearing re<br />

stored, and her head covered with a growth of thick,<br />

glossy hair. She was changed from a suffering, hideous,<br />

and disgusting object, to a very beautiful and happy<br />

woman.<br />

Mrs. , of New York, forty-three, married, and<br />

the mother of five children ; the youngest, some four<br />

—<br />

teen years old. Sick twelve years<br />

matism ;<br />

dyspepsia, rheu<br />

had not menstruated for five years ;<br />

"<br />

best<br />

medical advice," and been twice to London to consult<br />

distinguished physicians ; reduced to the lowest extrem<br />

ity. In four months, this lady could walk a mile ; she<br />

her menses re<br />

grew fresh, young looking, and strong;<br />

turned, she became pregnant, and at the full time, was<br />

delivered of a healthy boy. All well and happy.<br />

The history of water-cure is full of such cases, which<br />

have defied every kind of medication, but which yield<br />

to its benign applications. Iu all cases of this kind, two<br />

things are needed, purification and invigoration; both

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