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of the generative organs are intended for the perfection<br />

of the individual, and not for the continuation of the<br />

species. Love ripens and expands the soul, and its<br />

organic elements give breadth, firmness, and vigor to<br />

the bodily organs. Love diffuses through the mind<br />

warmth, enthusiasm, energy, the elements of genius,<br />

and gives an inexpressible charm to the feelings of the<br />

heart. All that is brave, noble, generous, heroic, and<br />

all that is sweet, voluptuous, tender, and endearing,<br />

spring from the influence of the sentiment of love.<br />

When this sentiment is undeveloped, when the cer<br />

ebellum is small and inactive, and when the generative<br />

organs are lacking in energy, the whole character suf<br />

fers. It is cold, heartless, selfish, unfeeling, and want<br />

ing in noble and generous impulses and enthusiasm.<br />

And whatever be the cause of this lack of development<br />

or activity, the effects are nearly the same, and afford<br />

the most convincing proofs of what we have stated to<br />

be the proper influence of this wonderful faculty. If<br />

the development of the cerebellum i3 checked by the<br />

removal of the testicles in the male, or the ovaries in<br />

the female, at an early age, we have the most striking<br />

results. In the male, the beard does not grow, nor the<br />

hair upon the pubes. The larynx does not expand,<br />

and the voice retains the high treble or contralto pitch<br />

of boyhood. The operation was formerly much eraployed<br />

in Italy, for this purpose. The muscles remain<br />

soft, and there is a tendency to fatness and effeminacy<br />

in the whole aspect. The mental and moral character<br />

is of a corresponding emasculation. There is feeble<br />

ness, coldness, selfishness, cowardice, and a general<br />

lack of all we convey by the word manhood.

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