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malaria of intermittent, combined with other malaria<br />

and personal causes of disease. It is a fever of remis<br />

sions and exacerbations ; but there is no entire freedom<br />

from its symptoms, as in fever and ague.<br />

It commences with or without a chill ; followed by<br />

languor, weariness, uneasiness of stomach, pains in head,<br />

back, and limbs; then a hot, dry skin; full, bounding<br />

pulse, abrupt and frequent; restlessness, vomiting,<br />

thirst; tongue turns from white to yellow or brown;<br />

bowels constipated ; stools green and acrid ; severe<br />

stage lasts twelve to eighteen hours. This period<br />

usually comes on a little before noon. As the disease<br />

goes on, the vomiting becomes more frequent ; there<br />

is heat and tenderness at the epigastrium, intolerable<br />

headache, and intolerance of light. The tongue be<br />

comes black, dries, and cracks; respiration difficult;<br />

pulse sinks ; prostration ; twitchings of the muscles ;<br />

death from seven to thirteen days. Often it sinks into<br />

a low stage, and lasts or twenty thirty days.<br />

In Malignant Remittent, a severe form, or occurring<br />

in more poisoned and exhausted constitutions, the skin is<br />

cold and clammy ; countenance pale, livid, and shrunk ;<br />

pulse frequent and fluttering ; stupor, or low delirium ;<br />

syncope. Sometimes fatal in two or three days.<br />

—As Effects. usually treated by bleeding and enor<br />

mous doses of calomel and quinine, this disease is fol<br />

lowed by jaundice, dyspepsia, enlargements of liver,<br />

spleen, etc., dropsy, consumption.<br />

Treatment.—Cold water is the only reliable remedy.<br />

Even Professor Dickson, an allopath, says, "its reme<br />

dial value can not be exaggerated." Called to a severe<br />

case, I should try to give the patient a cool half-bath of

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