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and modern, dissent. Not to go back to the reign of<br />

universal polygamy, which is still everywhere practiced,<br />

we quote two or three more modern instances. Lu<br />

ther, the Reformer, says, " For my part, I can not con<br />

demn the man who may wish to marry several wives,<br />

and I do not think such plurality contrary to the Holy<br />

Scriptures." our Accordingly, Christian missionaries<br />

no longer attempt to enforce monogamy upon the con<br />

verted heathen. Dr. Samuel Johnson, who is some<br />

times quoted as a great Christian moralist, says, "A<br />

husband's infidelity is nothing." Napoleon, in discuss<br />

ing the civil code, said, "<br />

Marriage<br />

is not founded in<br />

nature. The oriental family relation is entirely differ<br />

ent from the occidental. The laws are made to conform<br />

to customs, and everywhere customs vary."<br />

The world is changing its ideas on these subjects.<br />

There is an influx of light from the spiritual world, and<br />

this light brings us knowledge, freedom, and purity.<br />

Thousands of couples live together as friends, who once<br />

believed themselves to be married—<br />

giving each other<br />

freedom and protection ; thousands more, caring less<br />

for the conservative world, or more having violent re<br />

pulsions, break the bonds and separate ; and divorces<br />

are becoming more frequent and easier to procure.<br />

There is even growing up a literature, made up of dis<br />

cussions of this subject. The works of Swedenborg<br />

on conjugal love, those of Fourier on social relations,<br />

the writings of the disciples of St. Simon, of Owen,<br />

Marv Wolstoncraft, her husband, Godwin, her son-in-<br />

law, Shelley, the novels of George Sand, Eugene Sue,<br />

etc, with their various views and presentations of social<br />

discords, have awakened inquiry. One such divorce

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