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ture, and thus fits it for the mature accomplishment of<br />

its final object.<br />

And in woman, while the organic action of the ovaries<br />

goes on, in the production, ripening, and throwing off<br />

of germs ; if there is no expenditure of nervous force<br />

in sexual pleasure, no fecundation of the ovum, and con<br />

sequently no evolution of the foetus, her vital force is also<br />

expended in mental and physical development, and in<br />

fitting her for the functions of love and maternity, for<br />

which she is not well prepared until the accumulation<br />

and action of this force has brought to her a certain de<br />

gree of maturity. The early germs in woman seem<br />

less fitted for fecundation than those which appear later;<br />

as if nature did not quite succeed in her first efforts,<br />

but did better when she had gained strength by exer<br />

cise, and skill by practice. In the same way, the zoosperms,<br />

which are produced by the male in the first<br />

years of puberty, appear to have less power in the pro<br />

duction of a healthy offspring. And the worst result<br />

may be anticipated, where the two are joined together.<br />

If the young girl is to have children at all, it should be<br />

by a strong, mature man ; and if a youth is to engender,<br />

it ought to be with a vigorous woman ; so that the<br />

strength of one may make up<br />

other.<br />

I give this as my opinion, based upon<br />

for the weakness of the<br />

such observa<br />

tions as I have been able to make. It is what seems to<br />

me to be trae of our race in its present condition of civil<br />

ized discordance and disease. It may be that in a truer<br />

condition of existence, a fuller development may exist at<br />

puberty, so that the procreative function may properly<br />

begin as soon as the organs are capable of consummat-

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