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important,<br />


and a violation of this law is attended with<br />

great evils. I give, also, what seem to be the facts in<br />

the nature of man ; but I can not undertake to recon<br />

cile the teachings of nature with the laws of society.<br />

They are everywhere at variance, and all our miseries<br />

come out of these discords.<br />

The influence of the organ of Amativeness stimulates<br />

the action of the secreting or sperm-preparing organs,<br />

the testicles. The presence of the seminal fluid in the<br />

seminal vesicles, reacts upon the brain, and the mind<br />

glows with voluptuous<br />

ideas. Under their influence<br />

men are ever gallant, kind, attentive, and loving to wo<br />

men ; ever seeking their favors ; ever pressing their<br />

suit. It is the part of woman to accept or repulse ; to<br />

grant or refuse. It is her right to reign a passional<br />

queen ; to say, " thus far shalt thou come, and no<br />

farther." It is for her nature to decide both whom she<br />

will admit to her embraces, and when ; and there is no<br />

despotism upon this earth so infernal as that which<br />

compels a woman to submit to the embraces of a man<br />

she does not love ; or to receive even these, when her<br />

nature does not require them, and when she can not<br />

partake in the sexual embrace without injury to herself,<br />

and danger to her offspring.<br />

On this point I will speak. If a woman has any<br />

right in this world, it is the right to herself; and if<br />

there is any thing in this world she has a right to de<br />

cide, it is who shall be the father of her children. She<br />

has an equal right to decide whether she will have<br />

children, and to choose the time for having them.<br />

This is a law of nature, respected throughout the<br />

animal kingdom. The female everywhere refuses

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