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likely is she to have a genuine passion, r r to follow its<br />

dictates. Yet the " moral" world curses and crushes<br />

her for this—when, if she had destroyed herself by<br />

solitary vice, and then refrained from what she had<br />

made herself incapable of enjoying, the world would<br />

have praised her as a model of chastity. I feel bound<br />

in honor to say, that, so far as my observation extends,<br />

the women most likely to outrage society, in love rela<br />

tions, are the truest, the noblest, the greatest, and those<br />

we should most delight to honor.<br />

Solidarity.—That there is a pervading spirit, or<br />

soul, which connects and harmonizes the feelings and<br />

—<br />

emotions of masses of people as in a individual—<br />

single<br />

is shown by a vast number of observations*. We have<br />

it in the combined enthusiasm, or esprit du corps, of<br />

fire-companies, military companies, armies, mobs, public<br />

meetings, camp-meetings. It is shown in simultaneous<br />

acts of courage and devotion; in panics, and among<br />

animals, in stampedes; in political excitements; in out<br />

rages ; in rebellions and revolutions. It is the basis of<br />

what is called public sentiment and popular excitement.<br />

All these things exist, and have some cause. If I have<br />

not hit upon the true one, let our philosophers explain<br />

them. Man is an individual ; but he is as much a part<br />

of a human society, people, nation, and race, as one of<br />

his organs is a part of his body. " We are all members,<br />

one of anothor."

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