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the chest, the abdomen, the pelvis, the bones, the joints,<br />

the muscles, the nerves, the blood-vessels, the glands,<br />

the investi<br />

the membranes, or the skin. We pursue<br />

gation until the complaint is Cornered. We find where<br />

it is not, and then narrow it down to where it is. In a<br />

personal examination, the physician, taking<br />

in with one<br />

glance twenty other particulars, as are they disclosed<br />

by the appearance, complexion, weight, motions, atti<br />

tudes, and tones of the patient, may ask first of all,<br />

" Where is the pain?" Another will sit down more<br />

patiently, and say, " What is the story ?"<br />

There are certain signs of disease which are worthy<br />

of special attention.<br />

A. bad smelling breath is a sign of foul or decaying<br />

teeth, indigestion, or constipation.<br />

Early decay of the teeth is a sign of hereditary weak<br />

ness, early exhaustion, or chronic dyspepsia.<br />

A. tongue creased, and cut into deep furrows, is a sign<br />

of dyspepsia.<br />

Light hair, fair complexion, and a thick upper lip,<br />

are signs of scrofula.<br />

A thick, pouting under lip, a thick neck, and a full<br />

of amativeness.<br />

bosom, are signs<br />

A dry, hard skin, and cold extremities, are signs of<br />

nervous exhaustion. Hollow eyes, dark circles around<br />

them, flabbiness, and emaciation, are all signs of ex<br />

causes of disease. A moist, clammy skin is<br />

hausting<br />

sometimes found in dyspepsia.<br />

A pulse steadily above a hundred a minute in an<br />

adult, indicates high general fever, or severe internaj<br />

inflammation. If in a chronic case, and combined<br />

with regularly progressive emaciation, it indicates a

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