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beauties of woman ; he clasps her waist, he presses<br />

her soft bosom, and in a tumult of delirious ecstasy,<br />

each finds the central point of attraction and of pleas<br />

ure, which increases until it is completed in the sexual<br />

—the most exquisite enjoyment of which the<br />

orgasm<br />

human senses are capable.<br />

It has been asked whether the male or female en<br />

joyed most the ultimation of love. I have no doubt,<br />

that in a healthy condition, the pleasure of the female<br />

is longer continued, more frequently repeated, and<br />

more exquisite than that of the male ; and that it is in<br />

this way that she is compensated for her long periods<br />

of deprivation ; as she also is by the pleasures of ma<br />

ternity, of which man has little conception.<br />

There are a few practical observations, which may<br />

be properly made here, connected with the physiology<br />

of the sexual as congress given above. The organs of<br />

generation, in both sexes, are excited and stimulated by<br />

idleness, luxury, and every form of voluptuous beauty.<br />

Where it is desirable to avoid such excitement, all these<br />

must be guarded against. Passionate poetry and ro<br />

mances, warm pictures, dancing, especially the dancing<br />

of the stage, the fashionable display of female arms and<br />

bosoms, all fond toyings, and personal freedoms between<br />

the sexes, must be avoided by those with whom chastity<br />

is a necessity of age or circumstance. The lips are<br />

supplied with nerves of sensation from the cerebellum ;<br />

and the kisses of the lips are sacred to love. The bosom<br />

is also supplied with nerves from the same source, and<br />

it is in the most direct and intimate sympathy with the<br />

female generative organs. A woman of sensibility, who<br />

would preserve her chastity, must guard her bosom well.

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