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continue and increase the disease. In tender parts<br />

and small surfaces, as in gonorrhoea and ophthalmia,<br />

I prefer not to increase the action of the part by<br />

cold.<br />

Women should take many sitz-baths, and use the<br />

vagina syringe with tepid water very often. The diet<br />

must be very sparing, and contain not an atom of<br />

grease. So simple<br />

is the cure of this disorder.<br />

Syphilis is a virus of a far more malignant kind.<br />

God knows how it was first developed; but I am en<br />

tirely satisfied that it has only been known to the civil<br />

ized world for three centuries. It was not produced<br />

by any ordinary debauchery. In the worst days of<br />

Babylon or Rome, it was entirely unknown. We find<br />

no hint of it in ancient authors, medical, historical, or<br />

satirical. It was never known in Europe until the<br />

period of the return of Columbus from the discovery<br />

of America. In five years from that time it had<br />

spread over Europe, and committed everywhere terri<br />

ble ravages.<br />

Some have a theory that it had its origin in Italy, at<br />

this period, from a soldier having had intercourse with<br />

a glandered mare. It prevailed in an army then in<br />

Italy, certainly ; but others say it was brought from<br />

Spain, by some officers who had been with Columbus,<br />

or had got it at Madrid.<br />

My own belief is, that it was developed among the<br />

Carib Indians, by the use of the most revolting form<br />

of carnivorous diet, the eating of human flesh. What<br />

ever its origin, it soon infected the blood of Spain, spread<br />

over Europe, and was carried by commerce to every<br />

region<br />

of the earth—<br />

many<br />

of the fairest of which it

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