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organ withers. The whole flower drops off, when its<br />

function has been performed. Some plants produce but<br />

one set of generative organs, and then the whole plant<br />

perishes. These are the annuals. Others go on pro<br />

ducing year after year. These are the perennials.<br />

There are many of the lower varieties of animals<br />

which perform but a single act of generation, and then<br />

die. The higher animals continue the process through<br />

many years. As a general rule, the lower the animal in<br />

the scale, the more prolific. A fish produces millions of<br />

eggs; the higher mammalia seldom have more than one<br />

at a birth. Some animals breed in litters every month ;<br />

others require two or three years to produce and suckle<br />

a single offspring.<br />

In the females of most animals, there occurs a period<br />

of love, in which are they ready to receive and solicit<br />

the embraces of the male. This is called the period<br />

of heat, or the rutting season. It is that in which the<br />

ova are ripened, and cast off from the ovaries, and<br />

when the sexual congress is demanded for their impreg<br />

nation. This period, which in animals is more or less<br />

frequent, according to their periods of gestation, cor<br />

responds to the periodic menstrual- evacuation in the<br />

human female.<br />

The males of animals differ with respect to their<br />

readiness for the performance of their part in the sexual<br />

function. In some, the feeling seems not to exist in<br />

the intervals, and the testicles are shrunken and inactive ;<br />

but when the rutting season of the female arrives, as it<br />

usually does in the spring, these organs enlarge, secrete<br />

with vigor, and the animals seem filled with a fury of<br />

desire. The stag, usually gentle, is at this time fierce

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