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yearning heart, demands the perpetuation ofour species.<br />

No desire is so universal as that for offspring. It is<br />

next to the love of life—often it exceeds it. It per<br />

vades the whole organic world, vegetable and animal.<br />

To procreate a being like ourselves, and formed of us,<br />

is to imitate the Deity. It is to our own ex<br />

prolong<br />

istence. Not to have children is like the apprehension<br />

of personal annihilation. As all healthy beings procre<br />

ate, not to have the power of producing offspring is the<br />

effect of disease.<br />

Sterility<br />

in men is the result of inaction of the testi<br />

cles, by which the spermatic animalcules are not pro<br />

duced ; or some abnormal condition, which prevents the<br />

semen being conveyed to its destination. Exhaustion<br />

may stop the secretion. The semen may pass off in<br />

or into the blad<br />

involuntary emissions, by night or day,<br />

der, so as to be voided with the urine ; or there may be<br />

impotence, or the lack of power to erect the organ, and<br />

consummate the sexual act. These conditions may be<br />

accompanied<br />

with the subsidence of sexual desire, or a<br />

state of complete eunuchism ; or the desire may exist<br />

without the power. Where desire remains, there is<br />

more prospect of recovery.<br />

"Some are born eunuchs," the Apostle affirms. It<br />

is true that many persons of both sexes are born with<br />

out amative desire or power. Unfortunate victims of<br />

ancestral vice, how can they ever obey the command,<br />

father and mother."<br />

" Honor thy<br />

Masturbation leads directly to impotence in men and<br />

women ; often to sterility in the former.<br />

Barrenness in women is not, as in men, the result of<br />

impotence. The organs, external and internal, may<br />


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