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dren. Women who have neither passion nor pleasure<br />

are less liable to abortion from this cause than others ;<br />

and if procuring abortion be a crime, is it less so when<br />

done in this mode, and without any proper motive ?<br />

Violent exercise of the body, or violent passions of<br />

the mind, tend to abortion and miscarriage. Women<br />

of weak constitutions should carefully avoid both.<br />

Errors of diet, exhausting labors, and cares, bring on<br />

abortions and miscarriages. They use up the stock of<br />

vitality, or the organic force which should go to the<br />

fcetus. It dies, and is expelled. So perish thousands<br />

of unborn infants; and as care and poverty increase in<br />

our great cities,<br />

children.<br />

so increase the number of still-born<br />

The use of drugs and the lancet is a prolific cause.<br />

Whatever depresses or deranges the vital functions may<br />

be a cause of abortion. Blood-letting and drug poison<br />

do both. There is no doubt that thousands of infant<br />

ing<br />

germs are poisoned in the uterus by allopathic medica<br />

tion, while still more are born diseased from the same<br />

cause. The doctor poisons the blood of the mother,<br />

and from this the blood of the child draws its nourish<br />

ment.<br />

When abortion is willfully procured, it is by<br />

one of<br />

two methods—<br />

drug poisoning or a surgical operation.<br />

In the former the mother is poisoned, sometimes fatally,<br />

in the effort to expel the child. The surgical method,<br />

that of rupturing the membranes, is the simplest meth<br />

od, and one accompanied with the minimum amount of<br />

danger.<br />

In a proper social, mental, and physical condition, I<br />

see no reason why any woman should ever desire to

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