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ON DEATH. 459<br />

Even the natural duration of the life of man upon the<br />

earth, is but vaguely known. The proverb, "<br />

seventy<br />

years is allotted to man," is but the expression of an ob<br />

servation of ordinary longevity. But that there is really<br />

any providential allotment of such a period, is contrar<br />

dieted by the fact that a large proportion of mankind<br />

perish in infancy, while some live a century, and even<br />

a century and a half.<br />

Of the several periods of human life, some have a<br />

definite duration, while others are indefinitely extended.<br />

The periods of infancy, childhood, and youth, are<br />

marked by striking physical phenomena, and vary but<br />

little in their length. It is the same with senility. The<br />

failure of the powers of life, when it once begins, is<br />

regular and rapid. But there is one stage of existence,<br />

which may be cut short, or indefinitely prolonged. This<br />

is the period of manhood, or the full perfection of ex<br />

istence. It. may last for ten or or a<br />

years, fifty, hun<br />

dred. We know not to what duration it may possibly<br />

extend.<br />

But, when the uses of the bodily organism have been<br />

comes the inevitable death. The stock<br />

fully answered,<br />

ef organic vitality is finally expended.<br />

The heart can<br />

not beat on forever ; not from any lack of its own powers<br />

of recuperation, but from the failure of nervous energy<br />

in the centers of organic life.<br />

In the process of death, we have the reverse of the<br />

process of development. First fail the generative func<br />

tions ; next, the animal: lastly, the organic. Still, I be<br />

lieve that each of the former fails, in its turn, from the<br />

diminished power of the last. And finally, in the act<br />

of death, the system of animal life—of passion, thought,

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