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tion. Thus, if a man have commerce with a woman<br />

who has a bad leucorrhoea, or in some cases, during<br />

the menstrual period, the result will be a poisoning and<br />

inflammation of the urethra, followed by first a mucous<br />

and then a purulent discharge. If the patient is very<br />

healthy, he may not take the infection, or may quickly<br />

throw it off. But, if his#system is full of bad matter, it<br />

will be drawn to the diseased surface,' keep up, and in<br />

crease the discharge. There even may arise indolent<br />

buboes, from the poisoning of the inguinal glands by the<br />

matter coming to the part affected, or which is passing<br />

off into the system. If any of this matter comes in<br />

contact with the inside of the eyelids, it may produce a<br />

gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.<br />

The color of the matter<br />

which comes from the urethra is greenish, and this is<br />

considered diagnostic of the genuine disease.<br />

In women, this affection exists both in the urethra<br />

and the vagina.<br />

It is a disease, filthy and troublesome, and even dan<br />

gerous in some of its results. When long kept up it<br />

causes thickening of the membrane in the male ure<br />

thra, and consequent stricture, or stoppage of the<br />

urine. It is therefore advisable that we adopt at once<br />

the means of cure : and especially that we do not tam<br />

per with the remedies so much in vogue; for in this,<br />

as in many cases, the disease often has the credit of<br />

consequences that belong to the treatment.<br />

A strict diet, bathing the whole body, drinking plen<br />

tifully of soft water, eating watery fruits, melons, etc.,<br />

and bathing the parts in tepid water, taking tepid sitz-<br />

baths, and wrapping them in wet cloths, will cure. I<br />

say tepid water, because the action of cold would

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