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Inflammation may terminate spontaneously, by the<br />

return of the part affected to its natural state ; this is<br />

resolution. By an increase of the natural discharges,<br />

as in catarrh, diarrhoea, dysentery, gleet, etc., and by<br />

dropsy. By schirrus, or an indolent hardening, with<br />

shooting pain, liable to become cancerous. By hemor<br />

rhage in vascular parts. By metastasis, or the shifting<br />

of the disease from one region to another. By suppu<br />

ration, or the formation of pus. or mor<br />

By gangrene,<br />

tification. Inflammation of a part may<br />

also be attended<br />

or followed by the formation of various tumors, or mor<br />

bid growths, both mild and malignant ; and by the<br />

gathering of scrofulous, or other matter of disease.<br />

In all cases, inflammation is the act of the part affect<br />

ed. The blood is summoned to it, and retained in it.<br />

The nervous power increases capillary action, by which<br />

heat is evolved, and the pressure or upon, distention of,<br />

the nerves of sensation, causes the pain. All this is<br />

done for something. The increased flow of blood to a<br />

part brings an increase of morbid matter, and that calls<br />

for an increased effort to dislodge it. Calomel is washed<br />

through the parotid glands in floods of saliva; foul mat<br />

ter runs from the nose and air passages in an increased<br />

flow of mucus ; it is poured through<br />

the intestinal<br />

glands in a diarrhoea; from the kidneys in diabetes; or,<br />

when deeper seated, and harder to dislodge, it conies<br />

out in purulent secretions. A sliver in the flesh is re<br />

moved, brought to the surface, and cast out by this<br />

process.<br />

A full diet promotes inflammation ; because the or<br />

ganic powers, which should be engaged in freeing the<br />

system of its impure matter, are expended in digesting

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