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The reader, thus directed, will find for himself abun<br />

dant illustrations of the principles above stated, and<br />

which must not be lost sight of by any true philoso<br />

pher.<br />

If we do not understand the absolute process by which<br />

the union of the male and female elements is accom<br />

plished, in the generation of the new being, the condi<br />

tions under which this must take place are more clear<br />

to us. From a multitude of observations, it appears,<br />

1. That the ovum, in a state of healthy maturity,<br />

must have been set free from the ovary. This is not<br />

the case with some of the lower animals. There are<br />

insects, in whom a single act of the male will fecundate<br />

successive generations. In birds, the male principle<br />

seems to be added before the egg is mature.<br />

2. The sperma must be recent, and must contain<br />

living, active zoosperms.<br />

3. The smallest quantity, and probably a single zoo<br />

sperm, is sufficient, if it comes in contact with the<br />

ovum.<br />

4. It is not necessary that there should be any enjoy<br />

ment of coition, on the part of the female. Women<br />

who have none, seem even more prolific than others.<br />

It may take place in sleep, or other insensibility. In<br />

men, also, the orgasm may be accompanied with no<br />

pleasure, and even with pain.<br />

5. Even the sexual union is not indispensable. There<br />

is no doubt that a female ovum may be impregnated by<br />

semen conveyed to it artificially; and a woman, if she<br />

chose, might have a child without ever coming into per<br />

sonal contact with a man. This has been shown in ani<br />

mals by abundant experiments, and is said to have oc<br />


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