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have no right to receive the support of one man, while<br />

she bears a child to another, except by consent. A<br />

woman is bound, therefore, to be true to her marriage<br />

relation, while that relation exists. She has no more<br />

right to cheat her husband, than a slave has to cheat his<br />

master. It is true that if love, the sole condition of<br />

marriage, do not exist, it is no marriage in fact, but<br />

only in form ; a mere sham, a a legalized adultery, sin<br />

against nature and its Author. God joins people in<br />

love : not in simple friendship, not in indifference, not<br />

in hate and discord, repulsion<br />

and horror. But if a<br />

woman, for any consideration of property, or children,<br />

or worldliness, choose to remain in such a relation, she<br />

must be true to its falsity.<br />

The duties of a husband to his wife must be recipro<br />

cal just so far as their relations are equilibrated. In<br />

some respects they strikingly differ. a During large<br />

portion of the time, a woman child-bearing is not in a<br />

condition to allow sexual intei-course. A woman has<br />

usually no such excuse for infidelity. A man, in the<br />

Bexual act, imparts ; a woman receives, and possibly re<br />

tains. With the man, the physical consequences ter<br />

minate with the act ; with the woman, they may remain<br />

for months and years. These are evidently real dif<br />

ferences, which must modify our ideas of duty and<br />

criminality, in and out of the marriage relation, and<br />

the civilized notions in this respect are not entirely des<br />

titute of foundation.<br />

It is curious to see the opinions of moralists and legis<br />

lators upon these points. The common law and the com<br />

mon religion decide that this marriage bond is equally<br />

obligatory on both parties. But high authorities, ancient

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