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As expected, the Vanzettas were able to draw upon the resources of a large<br />

Italian speakers' network. They had little difficultly finding work, Ferdinando writing<br />

home in June 1889: 'lavoro ho trovato, non soltanto me ma anche gli altri, e subito<br />

pochi giorni giunti in Australia'.^ Unlike the 'scouts' of the eariier generation, they<br />

found people willing to give them work or to direct them to possible sources of<br />

employment. Their income appears, however, to have been small and insufficient to<br />

enable money to be sent back to their parents, Fernando writing in 1889:<br />

Mi rincresce nen potervi presentemente soccorrervi, ma sappiate<br />

care padre, che se i nostri interessi vanne bene e che Dio ne abbia<br />

a denare sanita, per St. Martino in quelle che possiamo, da parte<br />

nostra non manchereme. *"<br />

Ferdinando apologised for his failure and suggested that it was only through the<br />

intervention of God that the family's financial woes might be overcome. It was a<br />

response which was perhaps typical of one with his religious beliefs, indicating, on the<br />

face of it, a willingness to place his personal destiny in the hands of a divine force** ~<br />

though it may also have been no more than the accepted idiom for communicating with<br />

one's parents. It is also possible that Ferdinando concealed his tme income from his<br />

parents in order to avoid the pressure to repatriate; although he expresses the desire to<br />

retum home, 'ho troppo amore alia mia casa paterna sperando di rivederla ancora<br />

un qualche giorno', it appears a vague hope rather than pressing need,*'^<br />

At some stage the Vanzettas were attracted to gold mining, a photograph from<br />

the period showdng Osvaldo with their water battery on Spring Creek at Hepbum.*'<br />

They had either brought sufficient money to Australia to establish such an operation ~<br />

another factor distinguishing them from the earlier 'scouts' ~ or had eamed it since<br />

their arrival. Their mining associates, and evidence of the Vanzettas' rapid assimilation<br />


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