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proved the ideal setting for their homes. Stefano set to work building a large seven-<br />

roomed weatherboard house vnth a solid underground cellar and a verandah which<br />

looked out over the largely unpopulated Daylesford landscape. As most of the Pozzi<br />

children were too young to contribute to the physical work, Stefano employed a<br />

number of people to help establish the property, including a Chinese gardener who<br />

lived in a cottage opposite. One story which persists up to the present relates how<br />

Stefano also employed a man with no legs, who worked the garden while pushing<br />

himself around on a small wheeled trolley*^ ~ the point of the story seeming to be that<br />

Stefano's experience as an immigrant made him sympathetic to those whom other<br />

emplyees may not have wanted to hire. The clearing of the property is reported to<br />

have taken the labour of six men working six months. Stefano planted a magnificent<br />

garden, which according to visitors to his home tovra in Valle Maggia in the 1880s,<br />

contained the same flower varieties ~ camellias and wisterias ~ as had been planted in<br />

Giumaglio. He planted exotic trees including a rare New Zealand Oak, grape-vines,<br />

fiiiit trees and a vegetable garden.^" Some of the seeds for these plants many have<br />

come from Ticino, as had those for the garden at Hepbum; Giacomina, who had talked<br />

of sending seeds to her family in Ticino, is also Hkely to have acquired seeds in this<br />

way.*^ Stefano's garden was skilfully landscaped vsith paths made from the local rock<br />

and a walk-through area over which the vines grew, again translating a cultural<br />

pattern. Around the house he built a high wall of quartz which had been extracted<br />

from his mine and which was embedded with small pieces of gold; it was a small show<br />

of ostentation which lasted only until gold thieves arrived. To extend the available<br />

fanning land, Stefano also worked a block belonging to Albino Paganetti in nearby<br />

Patterson Street.<br />


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