BOURGEOIS - Toronto Public Library

BOURGEOIS - Toronto Public Library

BOURGEOIS - Toronto Public Library


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LETTERS 139<br />

.entrusted to me. Six hunters of the Red Knife or Copper Indians<br />

have been found sufficieut to supply us wilh the means of<br />

.subsistance. Indeed it was scarcely possible for people to want<br />

where the Rein-deers are in thousands and not difficult to<br />

approach; so little skill in hunting does it require that any man<br />

who can level a fire arm would live with little trouble or care.<br />

Our house stands on the borders of the last woods, our future<br />

march will conseqnently be directed through a barren country,<br />

broken by stony hills, intersected by numerous lakes and deprived<br />

of all vegetation, excepting a few crowberry plants and<br />

1he mosses which afford nourishment to the immense herds of<br />

rein-deer that crowd the moun tains.<br />

This season is considered by residents in the country to have Intense<br />

been very mild, yet in the month of December the thermometer cold.<br />

·descended to fifty-seven and a half degrees below zero, since<br />

that it did not sink below forty-nine. The Officers have visited<br />

.Coppermine River and report it to be a large stream distant<br />

fifty-six miles from hence, and our dwelling is found by observation<br />

to be one hundred and thirty-three geographical miles from<br />

the borders of Greal Slave Lake. The instruments which form<br />

the equipment of the party are sextants, two azimuthal compasses,<br />

)Jesides pocket compasses, dipping needles and a transit instrument,<br />

spy glasses, paint.s, &c. Each Officer, as well as Doctor<br />

Richardson, keeps a journal, all of which must be punctually<br />

given in to the Secretary or Admiralty office. As to myself, I<br />

keep none, since I cannot be allowed to retain it. Our Commander<br />

reads Divine service regularly every Sunday, and all<br />

who feel inclined attend. This is a novelty in these parts, and<br />

.highly merits to be copied by those who reside in the country.<br />

By letters which I received last Fall from Fort Chipweyan, I<br />

.am sorry to say that serious apprehensions are entertained for<br />

the fate of Mr. John Stuart and the Canadians forming his party .<br />

. He had been despatched from Fort William with three canoes

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