2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...

2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...

2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...


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e. To state and local <strong>of</strong>ficials or authorities to whom information isspecifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statuteadopted prior to November 19, 1974.f. To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf <strong>of</strong>, educationalagencies or institutions for the purpose <strong>of</strong> developing, validating, oradministering predictive tests, administering student aid programs andimproving instruction. It is provided that the studies are conducted in amanner which will not permit the personal identification <strong>of</strong> students byindividuals other than representatives <strong>of</strong> the organization and theinformation will be destroyed when no longer need for the purposes forwhich the study was conducted.g. To accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accreditingfunctions.h. To parents <strong>of</strong> a dependent student, as defined in section 152 <strong>of</strong> the InternalRevenue Code <strong>of</strong> 1954.i. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena, in whichevent the student will be notified in advance <strong>of</strong> compliance, if feasible, <strong>of</strong>the order or subpoena, the compliance date and <strong>of</strong> the university‟sintention to comply.j. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency, when theinformation is necessary to protect the health or safety <strong>of</strong> the student orother individuals, based upon the following factors: the seriousness <strong>of</strong> thethreat to the health or safety <strong>of</strong> the student or other individuals; the needfor the information to meet the emergency; whether the parties to whomthe information is disclosed are in a position to deal with the emergency;and the extent to which time is <strong>of</strong> the essence in dealing with theemergency.3. Record <strong>of</strong> disclosuresa. The university shall maintain a record, kept with the education records <strong>of</strong>its students, <strong>of</strong> each request for and disclosure <strong>of</strong> personally identifiableinformation from the education records <strong>of</strong> its students. Such record shallindicate the parties who have requested or obtained personallyidentifiable information, and the legitimate interests these parties had inrequesting or obtaining the information.<strong>2011</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> COM Student Handbook

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