2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...

2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...

2011-2012 - College of Osteopathic Medicine - Touro University ...


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If the attempted remediation <strong>of</strong> a subdiscipline is failed, the student will be referred tothe Student Promotion Committee (SPC). Should any further attempt at remediation beallowed and the remediation is passed, the above grading policy will be followed. If theremediation is failed or if no further remediation is allowed, the I grade for the coursewill be replaced by a U. The SPC will consider whether a repeat <strong>of</strong> the course should berecommended.Failure to successfully remediate a failed subdiscipline within an academic year willtrigger an automatic grade change by the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Registrar from I (incomplete) to aU.Course score equal to or greater than 70%, score for three or more subdisciplines lessthan 70%If, at the end <strong>of</strong> the semester, the overall course score is equal to or greater than 70% butthe score in three (3) or more subdisciplines (total for all courses in that semester) is lessthan 70%, an I (Incomplete) will be entered for the overall course score and the originalsubdiscipline scores will be reported. The student will be referred to the SPC. Adecision on whether a remediation will be allowed will be based on a review <strong>of</strong> thestudent‟s entire academic record. If the remediations are allowed and passed, thesubdiscipline grade(s) will be recorded as U/P for those subdisciplines that wereremediated. If the remediations are not allowed, the I grade for the course will bereplaced by a U.Failure to successfully remediate a failed subdiscipline within an academic year willtrigger an automatic grade change by the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Registrar from I (incomplete) to aU.Course score less than 70%If, at the end <strong>of</strong> the semester, the overall course score is less than 70%, a U will bereported for the course score and the original grade will be reported for thesubdisciplines. The student will be referred to the SPC. A decision <strong>of</strong> whether aremediation will be allowed will be based on a review <strong>of</strong> the student‟s entire academicrecord. If the course is subsequently remediated, a U/P will be recorded for the courseand a 70% will be calculated into the grade point average. Remediated subdisciplineswill be recorded as U/P.Should a decision be reached that the student will be allowed to repeat the course, boththe original grade and the new grade will be recorded on the transcript.<strong>2011</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> COM Student Handbook

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