Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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5.9 Problems 207[187] Devaney, A.J., “Super-Resolution Processing <strong>of</strong> Multistatic Data Using Time Reversal andMusic,” 2000. Available at http://www.ece.neu.edu/faculty/devaney.[188] Luke, D.R. and Devaney, A.J., “Identifying Scattering Obstacles by the Construction <strong>of</strong> NonscatteringWaves,” SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 271–291, 2007.[189] Cheney, M., “The Linear Sampling Method and the Music Algorithm,” Inverse Problems,vol. 17, no. 4, p. 591, 2001.[190] Paige, C.C. and Strakos, Z., “Unifying Least Squares, Data Least Squares, and Total LeastSquares,” in Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling, Ed. S. v. Huffel andP. Lemmerling, Springer, 2002.[191] Wang, Y., Yang, J., Yin, W., and Zhang, Y., “A New Alternating Minimization Algorithmfor Total Variation Image Reconstruction,” SIAM Journal <strong>of</strong> Imaging Sciences, vol. 1,no. 3, pp. 248–272, 2008.[192] Romberg, J., “Compressive Sensing by Random Convolution,” SIAM Journal on ImagingSciences, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1098–1128, 2009.[193] Ender, J.H., “On Compressive Sensing Applied to <strong>Radar</strong>,” Signal Processing, vol. 90,no. 5, pp. 1402–1414, 2010. Special Section on Statistical Signal & Array Processing.5.9 PROBLEMS1. Generate several small matrices in MATLAB and numerically compute their mutualcoherence and restricted isometry constants. Notice how rapidly the problem <strong>of</strong> estimatingthe RIC becomes intractable as you increase M, N, and s.2. Assume that A represents oversampling <strong>of</strong> a one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform.Find an analytical expression for the mutual coherence <strong>of</strong> this dictionary. Verifythe result in MATLAB. (Hint: Utilize the expression for the Dirichlet kernel.)3. We noted in the text that M(A) ≤ R s (A) ≤ (s − 1)M(A). Prove these bounds.Hint: ‖x‖ 1 ≤ √ s ‖x‖ 2 if x is s sparse. Also, notice that ‖Ax‖ 2 2 = x H A H Ax =‖x‖ 2 2 + ∑ i≠ j x i ∗x j G ij , where G = A H A.4. The condition number <strong>of</strong> a matrix is given by the ratio <strong>of</strong> the largest singular value to thesmallest singular value. An identity matrix has condition number 1, and the conditionnumber will approach infinity as a matrix becomes closer to being rank deficient. Onemight be tempted to conclude that a good condition number indicates that a matrix Ahas a good RIP constant. Provide a counterexample to this claim. Verify your counterexample in MATLAB.5. We have alluded to the idea that mutual coherence is linked to the radar ambiguityfunction. In particular, the values encoded in the Gramian matrix A H A are samples <strong>of</strong>the radar ambiguity function. Demonstrate that this relationship holds.6. Implement the following algorithms in MATLAB or your language <strong>of</strong> choice. Testthe algorithm using a variety <strong>of</strong> problem sizes. Try generating the A matrix from aGaussian distribution, Rademacher distribution (±1), and as a subset <strong>of</strong> a DFT matrix.(a) OMP(b) CoSaMP(c) FISTA(d) IHT

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