Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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334 CHAPTER 7 Stripmap SAR6. [MATLAB slant range and phase] Write MATLAB code to calculate the slant rangeto a scatterer at any desired down-range r and a cross-range x. Use (x,r) = (0, r 0 ) forthis exercise. Evaluate and plot the slant range for a set <strong>of</strong> along-track sample locationseparated by the along-track sampling interval and spanning the SAR baselines for theL-band and X-band systems. Multiply these slant-range vectors by 4π/λ c to generatethe phase history at their corresponding center frequencies. Plot these phase histories.7. [MATLAB signal model] Extend the one-dimensional phase histories produced inproblem 6 to two dimensions, where the second dimension is frequency. Samplediscretely about the L-band and X-band center frequency over an extent that covers therequired waveform bandwidth and by a uniform interval equal to 100 kHz. Plot thesefrequencies. Take the resulting two-dimensional (frequency and along-track position)phase histories and convert them to complex signal histories using exp(– j*phase).Ignore any power variations due to range-to-the-fourth, antenna gain patterns, andso on, by using a magnitude <strong>of</strong> 1.0. Generate an image <strong>of</strong> the phase angle <strong>of</strong> eachsignal. (At this point you have a simple and generic SAR data generation environmentcapable <strong>of</strong> producing stepped-frequency records as a function <strong>of</strong> along-track position<strong>of</strong> the platform. You may vary center frequency, bandwidth, frequency sampling, SARbaseline length, along-track sampling, and range to scene center to perform parametricanalyses. Another loop may be added to coherently sum the returns from multiplescatterers in the scene.)8. [MATLAB pulse compression] Use IFFT over frequency to generate pulse-compressedmeasured data as a function <strong>of</strong> along-track location and time delay, d(u,t). Create animage <strong>of</strong> the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the L-band and X-band data. Depict the phase by creatingan image <strong>of</strong> the real part <strong>of</strong> the pulse-compressed data. (The image <strong>of</strong> the realdata is easier to interpret if a linear phase progression over time is detrended. Thisis easily accomplished by first IFFTSHIFTing over frequency prior to the IFFT fromfrequency to time. Multiplying the data by a phase <strong>of</strong>fset <strong>of</strong> −90 ◦ ,or−1 j, improvesinterpretability further.)9. [DBS imaging] Generate the range-compressed data as in problem 8 omitting theIFFTSHIFT and the phase <strong>of</strong>fset described toward the end <strong>of</strong> the problem. PerformDBS imaging as documented in Figure 7-5. Begin by Fourier transforming over thealong-track position with an FFT and then place zero cross-range in the middle <strong>of</strong>the image by applying an FFTSHIFT over cross-range. Index pixels to their raw(k u ,ω) locations initially, then use the mapping in the text to locate pixels to crossrange/down-range(x,r).10. [DBS-AD imaging] Implement DBS with AD as documented in Figure 7-10 andcompare the resulting imagery with DBS imagery for L-band and X-band.11. [RDA PSF] Generate the frequency-domain (k u ,ω) form <strong>of</strong> the PSR for the swathcenter r 0 for the L-band and X-band cases. Use the RF support (vector) correspondingto the raw data generated in problem 7 and the spatial-frequency support (vector)created in problem 9. Produce phase images <strong>of</strong> these PSRs. Pulse-compress the PSRsas in problem 8 by inverse Fourier transforming (using the IFFT) from frequency totime and create images <strong>of</strong> the Doppler-domain time-delay pr<strong>of</strong>iles. (Recall this form<strong>of</strong> the PSR has been <strong>of</strong>fset to put the closest point <strong>of</strong> approach at down-range r 0 attime delay equals zero, so the output should be FFTSHIFTed and the time-delay axisrecalculated accordingly.) Finally, examine the PSR as a function <strong>of</strong> (u,t) by inverse

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