Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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340 CHAPTER 8 Interferometric SAR and Coherent Exploitationβ̂δhδR˜ x , ˜ yφφ a , φ bφ abφ G ,φ R ,φ ρφabFE˜φ, ˜φ a , ˜φ b , ˜φ ab˜φ refab˜φ difab , ˆφ difabγγ noise , γ spatial , γ temporalλσ hξψψ 0ψ 1ψ Bσ φabσ 2ˆφ abσ 2̂ |γ |BB tB tcB ⊥B c⊥dDD t⊥hĥĥ difHI abpPP 1 ,P 0sensor tilt angle, relative to horizontalestimated change in heightdifference in range to two sensorsx- and y-dimension gradients <strong>of</strong> the interferometric phasedifferencephasephase shift at receivers a and b, respectivelyinterferometric phase differencephase shift due to radar receiver transfer function, propagationrange, and scatterer complex reflectivity, respectivelyflat-earth interferometric phase differencewrapped values <strong>of</strong> phases φ,φ a ,φ b ,φ abwrapped reference interferometric phase differencewrapped, estimated differential interferometric phasedifferencesobjective function for phase unwrappingcoherencecoherence due to noise, baseline decorrelation, and temporaldecorrelation, respectivelywavelengthstandard deviation <strong>of</strong> hpeak-to-RMS ratiogeneral depression angle relative to horizontaldepression angle to foreshortened scatterer, relative tohorizontaldepression angle to elevated scatterer, relative to horizontalangular baseline (radians)standard deviation <strong>of</strong> interferometric phase differencevariance <strong>of</strong> estimated interferometric phase differencevariance <strong>of</strong> estimated coherence magnitudesensor baseline separationtemporal baselinedecorrelation time <strong>of</strong> temporal baselinesensor baseline projected perpendicular to the line <strong>of</strong> sightcritical perpendicular baselinedriving function for Ghiglia-Romero phase unwrappingalgorithmtwo-dimensional discrete cosine transform <strong>of</strong> dtomographic aperture projected orthogonal to the line <strong>of</strong> sightscatterer elevationestimated elevationestimated differential elevationplatform height above ground levelinterferogramsingle- versus dual-transmitter scale factor for interferometricphase differenceerror power in phase unwrapping objective functionactual and foreshortened scatterer locations

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