Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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748 CHAPTER 17 Advanced Processing Methods for Passive Bistatic <strong>Radar</strong> Systems<strong>of</strong> filters covers all the possible target velocities. The filter where the target is detectedprovides the estimates <strong>of</strong> the bistatic Doppler shift <strong>of</strong> each target echo. Similarly, theestimate <strong>of</strong> the bistatic range is given by the sample along range where it is detected.Assuming that the signal s ref (t) collected at the reference antenna is a perfect copy (or atleast good enough as discussed in a later section) <strong>of</strong> the transmitted signal, the 2D-CCFfor a PBR is evaluated as∫ ∞χ(τ,f D ) = s surv (t) s ∗ ref (t − τ)e− j2π f Dt−∞dt (17.1)wheres surv (t) = the complex envelope <strong>of</strong> the signal collected at the surveillance antennaτ = R B /c = the bistatic time difference <strong>of</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong> interest, where R B is the relativebistatic range, or the difference between the two-way path length and the baselinebetween the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx)f D = v B /λ = the Doppler shift <strong>of</strong> interest, v B , being the bistatic velocity (i.e., the rate<strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> Tx – target – Rx range)The integral is limited in practice to the coherent processing interval (CPI) T int .Assuming that the signals are sampled at frequency f s , equation (17.1) can be easilyexpressed in discrete time notation aswhereN−1∑χ[l,m] = s surv [n] · s ∗ mnj2πref[n − l] · e− N (17.2)n=0N = ⌊T int f s ⌋ = the number <strong>of</strong> integrated samplesl = the time bin corresponding to time delay τ = l/f sm = the Doppler bin corresponding to Doppler shift f D = mf s /NThe evaluation <strong>of</strong> the 2D-CCF for a PBR represents one <strong>of</strong> the most costly operations interms <strong>of</strong> computational burden [4,27,28]. In fact, the exploited waveform <strong>of</strong> opportunitytypically has a low power level for radar purposes, so a very long integration time isusually required to obtain an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Moreover, large2-D maps might be required depending on the desired surveillance region extent in bothrange (0, R Bmax ) and Doppler dimensions (–|v B | max , |v B | max ), where R B max and |v B | maxare the maximum relative bistatic range and the maximum bistatic velocity <strong>of</strong> interest,respectively. This implies that a huge amount <strong>of</strong> data has to be managed and a largenumber <strong>of</strong> complex operations has to be performed that might require very fast hardwarefor real-time processing. As a reference, the direct evaluation <strong>of</strong> (17.2) over N τ time binsand N f Doppler bins requires N(N τ + 1)N f complex multiplications and (N − 1)N τ N fcomplex additions, where, assuming that the 2D-CCF is not oversampled, we haveN τ =⌈RB maxcf s⌉⌈ 2|vB |and N f = maxλ⌉Nf s(17.3)

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