Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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490 CHAPTER 10 Clutter Suppression Using Space-Time Adaptive Processing10.6.4 Angle and Doppler EstimationA maximum likelihood estimate for target bearing and Doppler integrates seamlessly withSTAP clutter mitigation steps. The approach described here follows [29].Consider the alternative hypothesis <strong>of</strong> (10.52)x k = ¯s k + x k/H0 = αs s−t ( f sp , ˜f d ) + x k/H0 (10.94)where ¯s k = αs s−t ( f sp , ˜f d ) is the target space-time response, α is a complex constant, andx k/H0 = c k + j k + n k is the interference-plus-noise (total noise) vector. The objective isto estimate p = [ ] Tf sp ˜f d with ˆp. Since xk/H0 ∼ CN(0, R k ), the joint probability densityfunction is1 ()p(x k |p) =π M |R k | exp −(x k − αs s−t (p)) H R −1k (x k − αs s−t (p)) (10.95)Given the likelihood function defined by (10.95), we first require an estimate for thecomplex constant. Equation (10.95) is maximal whenQ(α,p) = (x k − αs s−t (p)) H R −1k (x k − αs s−t (p)) (10.96)is minimal. Differentiating (10.96) and setting the result to zero yieldsˆα =Substituting (10.97) into (10.96) leads toQ( ˆα,p) = xk H R−1 k x k −sH s−t (p)R−1 k x kss−t(p)R H −1k s s−t(p)∣∣xk HR−1ks ∣s−t(p)∣ 2ss−t(p)R H −1k s s−t(p)(10.97)(10.98)Differentiating (10.98) with respect to p and setting the result to zero yields the maximumlikelihood estimate, ˆp. Consequently, the estimator is [29]⎛[ ]∣ˆf sp⎜∣ss−t Hˆp = = arg max(p)R−1 k x k∣ 2 ⎞⎟⎝ˆ˜f [ ] Tdsfsp ˜f s−t(p)R H −1k s ⎠ (10.99)s−t(p)dp=The maximum likelihood estimate takes the form <strong>of</strong> an adaptive matched filter (AMF) normalized[17,18] STAP cost surface where in practice, v s−t ( f sp , ˜f d ) replaces s s−t ( f sp , ˜f d ),and ˆR k replaces R k . Implementing the estimator requires a very fine grid search to findthe peak <strong>of</strong> the likelihood function and occurs after the STAP detects a target.10.6.5 Processing Block DiagramFigure 10-20 shows a radar detection block diagram incorporating STAP, post-detectionintegration (PDI), CFAR thresholding, and bearing and Doppler estimation as the primarysignal processing operations.The multichannel array receives multiple pulses <strong>of</strong> data for range cell k, as describedin preceding sections. After downconversion to an intermediate frequency and ADC, thedigital processor converts the data to complex baseband and performs pulse compression

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