Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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658 CHAPTER 14 Automatic Target Recognitionradar receivers typically use sophisticated beamforming to place nulls in the direction <strong>of</strong>direct path signals while optimizing gain towards the operational regions. This allowsthem to adequate detect and observe targets.The nature <strong>of</strong> passive radar measurements also complicates the observation and prediction<strong>of</strong> kinematic target features. While traditional radar systems excel at measuringthe range to the target, passive radar systems are best at measuring direction-<strong>of</strong>-arrival(DOA) and Doppler. Hence, translation into accurate state estimates in Cartesian coordinatesystems (<strong>of</strong>ten required to collect kinematic features) is a challenge. In practice,this is addressed through a combination <strong>of</strong> employing multiple receivers [117] and usingsophisticated signal processing and tracking algorithms [111].14.6.4 Step 4: Test the Feature SetOnce features have been observed, likelihood-based schemes [100–105] to compare themto a target library are common. For example, much <strong>of</strong> the literature in this area focuseson use <strong>of</strong> radar cross sections for classification <strong>of</strong> aircraft. In this case, the power at thepassive radar receiver is modeled asP RECEIVER =(√PTARGET + w R) 2+ w2I (14.16)where P TARGET is the real component <strong>of</strong> the received power due to the target and w is zeromeanadditive white Gaussian noise with real, w R , and imaginary, w I , parts [100–105].This leads to a Rician likelihood model, whose probability density function is given byp x (x) = x expσw2[ ( )]x 2 + s 2−2σ 2 wI 0( xsσ 2 w)(14.17)where x is the observed voltage at the receiver, s is the predicted voltage at the receiver forthe target from the library, σ 2 w is the noise power, and I 0 is the modified Bessel function<strong>of</strong> the first kind [102]. If each <strong>of</strong> N MEAS measurements is assumed to be independent, theloglikelihood becomesln (p x (¯x)) =N∑MEASi=1( ) [xiln + lnσw2( )] ( )xi s i x2I 0 − i + si2σw2 2σw2(14.18)Since the first term in the loglikelihood equation does not vary with the elements in thetarget library, the score, S, used to identify the target can be reduced toN∑MEAS[ ( )] ( )xi s i x2S(¯x) = ln I 0 − i + si2 (14.19)σw2 2σw2i=1The target from the library resulting in the maximum score wins.14.7 HIGH-RESOLUTION RANGE PROFILESHigh-resolution range pr<strong>of</strong>iles (HRRPs) are based on returns from high-resolution radars(HRRs) or ultra-high-resolution radars. In this paradigm, the HRRP is the time domainresponse to interrogating the target with a set <strong>of</strong> high-range resolution pulses [76]. Thepulsewidths used to interrogate the target are selected to produce many returns, which dividetargets <strong>of</strong> interest into multiple returns, provide information about the target scatterers,and by extension, the target’s composition.

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