Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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820 CHAPTER 17 Advanced Processing Methods for Passive Bistatic <strong>Radar</strong> Systems2. For the same case considered in problem 1, evaluate the performance <strong>of</strong> the twosub-optimum algorithms for the 2D-CCF evaluation introduced in Section 17.2.2.Specifically, for each sub-optimum algorithm (Batches algorithm or Channelizationtechnique), evaluate the computational load required and the SNR loss to be acceptedas a function <strong>of</strong> the characteristic parameter (number <strong>of</strong> batches or number <strong>of</strong> channels,respectively).3. Based on the results <strong>of</strong> problem 2, for each sub-optimum algorithm, select the most appropriatevalue for the characteristic parameter as the one which allows the best trade<strong>of</strong>fbetween computational load saving and SNR loss with respect to the most efficientoptimum algorithm selected in problem 1. Then, compare the obtained computationalload with that required by the most efficient optimum algorithm operating with areduced number <strong>of</strong> integrated samples (so that it experiences the same SNR loss).4. A typical FM radio signal is obtained by frequency modulating a composite stereobaseband signal whose PSD is depicted in the following figure:L+RsignalPilotcarrierL‐R signal(DSB‐SCmodulated)0 15 19 2338 53 f, kHzThe following MATLAB code performs the very basic steps for the generation <strong>of</strong> thecomplex envelope <strong>of</strong> an FM radio signal with duration delta T [sec] sampled at fs[Hz]:[audio signal,fs wav,n bit] = wavread(audio file);audio signal = audio signal(1:delta T*fs wav,:);audio signal = resample(audio signal, fs, fs wav);t vect = [0:length(audio signal)-1]’/fs;sum ch= 0.5 *(audio signal(:,1)+audio signal(:,2));diff ch = 0.5 *(audio signal(:,1)-audio signal(:,2));stereophonic signal = sum ch + 0.1*cos(2*pi*19e3*t vect) +diff ch.*cos(2*pi*38e3*t vect);CE FM radio signal = exp(1j*2*pi*75e3*cumsum(stereophonic signal/fs));where audio file is a string containing the path <strong>of</strong> a *.wav file in the 44100 Hz, 16-bitstereo format.Use the above code to generate an FM radio signal <strong>of</strong> duration 1.5 sec, sampled at200 kHz. Evaluate the PSD <strong>of</strong> the composite stereo baseband signal (stereophonicsignal), and the PSD <strong>of</strong> the resulting complex envelope (CE FM radio signal).

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