Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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13.4 <strong>Radar</strong> Applications <strong>of</strong> Polarimetry 611synthetic aperture radar (SAR) polarimetric imaging data. Several authors have enhancedHuynen’s decomposition and demonstrated effective separation <strong>of</strong> target return from clutter[2, 5, 11, 18, 38, 40, 41]. Barnes [42] and Holm [43] developed a target decompositionapproach in which the covariance or density matrix representing a partially polarized returnfrom the time-varying target is formulated as a sum <strong>of</strong> three components: (a) a mean targetcomponent (matrix) for which the return is completely polarized; (b) a component representinga totally unpolarized return; and (c) a component representing a partially polarizedreturn. The Barnes and Holm decomposition has been shown to yield clutter discriminationcomparable in accuracy to that <strong>of</strong> the Huynen approach [11]. Cloude and Pottier [40]discussed a decomposition in which a 4 × 4 averaged coherency matrix for noise targethas been diagonalized by calculating its eiegenvalues and eigenvectors. The diagonal form<strong>of</strong> the coherency matrix has been shown to result in statistically independent target vectorswherein the effect <strong>of</strong> noise (or target fluctuations) is removed. The reader is referred toexamples in [11] for a discussion <strong>of</strong> the clutter discrimination potential <strong>of</strong> this approach.13.4 RADAR APPLICATIONS OF POLARIMETRYTarget detection, discrimination, and recognition pertain to the process by which the radarseparates and classifies the return from a resolution cell as the response due to target(object <strong>of</strong> interest), clutter (objects <strong>of</strong> lesser interest), or noise (see Chapter 9 in [3]). Inthe detection process, well-known techniques for thresholding noise and clutter amplitudeor exploitation <strong>of</strong> Doppler frequency are used to effect an initial separation <strong>of</strong> target andclutter returns [4]. After detecting a target, the radar attempts to discriminate betweenpotential targets <strong>of</strong> interest and strong target-like responses <strong>of</strong> clutter, both <strong>of</strong> which mighthave filtered through as targets during the detection phase. Frequency agility, Doppler, andpolarimetric processing have been used in the discrimination phase. Target recognitionpertains to determination whether the detected target belongs to a class <strong>of</strong> objects thatthe radar operator is looking for. For example, ballistic missile reentry vehicles and decoysform a class <strong>of</strong> potential radar objects <strong>of</strong> interest for detection, while discriminationbetween the two objects in the presence <strong>of</strong> clutter belongs to the second phase, and theclassification <strong>of</strong> the missile using features such as nose-tip scattering and material coatingsbelongs to the recognition phase. In this section, essential polarization behavior <strong>of</strong>different radar objects such as targets, land and sea clutter are described.13.4.1 TargetsHigh-frequency backscattering from complex targets is essentially a local phenomenon,such as specular scattering or edge diffraction. In fact, mathematical analyses and measurementsshow that the backscattered wave can be essentially regarded as the coherentsum <strong>of</strong> contributions arising from a finite number <strong>of</strong> discrete scattering centers [44]. Thewave scattered by each such point source depends on the shape and constitutive materialproperties <strong>of</strong> a small surface around the scattering center. For example, scattering centerscan be associated with specular reflection <strong>of</strong>f a large convex surface and diffraction arisingfrom discontinuities (e.g., base edge <strong>of</strong> a cone) and changes in curvature <strong>of</strong> the body. Theposition <strong>of</strong> the backscattering centers is sensitive to target aspect, especially in the case <strong>of</strong>specular reflection. Relative motion <strong>of</strong> the scattering centers also affects the phase <strong>of</strong> theconstituent waves in the coherent summation.

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