Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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13.5 Measurement <strong>of</strong> the Scattering Matrix 619line <strong>of</strong> sight. One may define a target-centered Cartesian coordinate system in which thetarget axis is the z-axis, so that the roll angle defines the azimuth φ, and the aspect anglebecomes θ. For monostatic RCS measurements, however, it is convenient to use the radarcoordinate system as the reference [3]. The scattering matrix in (13.60) assumes a linearpolarization basis; it can be transformed to circular polarization basis using a simplelinear transformation (cf. (13.32)). In sequential measurement <strong>of</strong> the scattering matrix,linear vertical and horizontal polarization signals are transmitted in sequence, and bothco-polarized and orthogonally polarized returns from the target are received. Reciprocityimplies that S HV = S VH . Furthermore, for rotationally symmetric targets, if the line <strong>of</strong>sight or aspect direction is aligned with the target axis <strong>of</strong> symmetry, then the orientationangle becomes the roll angle, and it turns out that S HV = S VH = 0, and S HH = S VV .As described in Section 13.3, there are two ways <strong>of</strong> characterizing scattering: (a) thecomplex voltage-type scattering matrix S in which the absolute phase <strong>of</strong> the target return(or each matrix element) is needed; and (b) the real power-type Kennaugh matrix K, whichdoes not depend on the absolute target phase. Only the measurement <strong>of</strong> S is addressedin this chapter. The reader is referred to [35] for measurement <strong>of</strong> the Kennaugh matrix.The absolute phase <strong>of</strong> a target depends on its local position, aspect, surface structure,and the radar frequency. Relative phases, on the other hand, are phase differences amongthe individual scattering coefficients where any one may act as phase reference for theothers. The scattering matrix with absolute phase (SMA) is sensitive to target displacementalong the line <strong>of</strong> sight, while the scattering matrix with relative phase (SMR) is not.From a measurements point <strong>of</strong> view, the difference between the two scattering matrixtypes is pr<strong>of</strong>ound. Determination <strong>of</strong> the SMA requires the ability to measure absolutephase, while the SMR can be obtained by amplitude and relative phase measurementsonly. Relative phase measurements provide a means to achieve background subtraction<strong>of</strong> the environmental effects either experimentally (using a CW nulling technique) orcomputationally (using vector subtraction derived from auxiliary measurements) [35]. Inpower- or amplitude-only measurements, such as the Kennaugh matrix, the target returnsfor several transmit antenna polarization states are considered [35]. In conventional RCSmeasurements, just like in radar, the scattering matrix is measured by considering bothamplitude and phase <strong>of</strong> a linearly polarized transmit channel, and only amplitude <strong>of</strong> thelinearly polarized receive channel. Furthermore, by reconfiguring the transmit antennapolarization, all the important parameters <strong>of</strong> the target return can be measured [14]. Thismeasurement, termed by Huynen as the linear restricted scattering matrix (LSM) [35],should not be confused with Kennaugh matrix, although the latter, in principle, can bederived from the former. Measurement <strong>of</strong> SMR is addressed next.The direct method <strong>of</strong> measuring the scattering matrix effectively implements (13.60).The measurement <strong>of</strong> SMR requires two orthogonal transmitter polarizations being radiatedindependently in sequence, while amplitude and phase <strong>of</strong> the scattered return for each areobserved simultaneously on dual-polarized orthogonal receiver channels. In general, anyarbitrary pair <strong>of</strong> orthogonal illuminating polarizations can be used (e.g., right and leftcircular polarizations as well as vertical and horizontal). Instrumentation requirementsinclude the ability to measure both amplitude and phase <strong>of</strong> the radar return, the capability<strong>of</strong> transmitting two orthogonally polarized signals in sequence, and that <strong>of</strong> receiving andrecording the orthogonal components <strong>of</strong> the elliptically polarized returns simultaneously.For measurement <strong>of</strong> returns in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments or to minimizethe effects <strong>of</strong> multipath and clutter, it is important to provide high isolation betweenthe radar transmit and receive channels. This requires low-loss filters, circulators, and

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