Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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17.4 Signal Processing Techniques for Reference Signal Cleaning and Reconstruction 769Thus, proper techniques should be applied to remove the multipath contribution onthe reference signal, yielding a pure signal to be used for disturbance cancellation andcross-correlation with the surveillance signal.Specifically, assuming that the PBR is based on FM radio broadcast transmissions,the well-known constant modulus algorithm (CMA) [38, 39] can be exploited to obtain ablind adaptive equalization <strong>of</strong> the reference signal. This kind <strong>of</strong> approach is not limitedto our study case, based on FM radio broadcast, but also applies to many <strong>of</strong> the signals<strong>of</strong> opportunity available from both analog and digital broadcast transmission systems.Applying CMA to PBR is considered in [40] for an FM-based PBR and in [13] for a GSMbasedPBR, where only a basic temporal version <strong>of</strong> the algorithm is applied. References[41, 42] consider the possibility <strong>of</strong> using a small antenna array for the reception <strong>of</strong> thereference signal from the transmitter <strong>of</strong> opportunity, and two additional versions <strong>of</strong> thealgorithm are used for PBR application along the line suggested in [43–46]: the space-CMA (S-CMA) that operates on the signal samples collected at the different elements <strong>of</strong>the array; and the space-time-CMA (ST-CMA) that operates on the delayed samples <strong>of</strong>the signals collected at the multiple channels.The CMA tries to suppress the additive interference at the input signal by constrainingits output to be a constant modulus signal, accomplished by minimizing the cost functionJ = 1 4 E{[∣ ∣y[n] ∣ ∣ 2 − 1 ]2} (17.20)where E{·} is the statistical expectation, and y[n] is the CMA output at the n-th timeinstant. For the ST-CMA it is given byy[n] =M−1∑m=0 l=0∑L−1w m,l [n] s ref,m [n − l] (17.21)where w m,l [n]isthel-th adaptive weight to be applied on the m-th channel at the n-th timeinstant, and s ref ,m [n] is the reference signal at the m-th channel at the n-th time instant(m = 0,...,M − 1; l = 0,...,L − 1). The corresponding processing scheme is depictedin Figure 17-14. The filter weights to be applied are adaptively updated according to thefollowing strategy:wherew m,l [n + 1] = w m,l [n] − με[n]sref,m ∗ [n − l] (17.22)ε[n] = { |y[n]| 2 − 1 } · y[n] (17.23)and μ is the step-size parameter that determines the rate <strong>of</strong> convergence and the accuracy<strong>of</strong> the algorithm. Obviously, using a single-antenna element (M = 1), we come backto the original time-only CMA (T-CMA) that operates as a FIR filter with L taps inthe temporal dimension. The corresponding filter tries to invert the estimated transferfunction <strong>of</strong> the propagation channel. Using a single tap for each antenna element (L = 1)a space-only version <strong>of</strong> the algorithm is obtained (S-CMA) that tries to estimate thedirection <strong>of</strong> arrival (DOA) <strong>of</strong> the multipath replicas because <strong>of</strong> the spatial discriminationcapability given by the receiving array. The filter modifies the quiescent antenna patternby synthesizing an equivalent pattern in which zeros are set at given angles correspondingto the DOA <strong>of</strong> the multipath echoes. Finally, considering multiple antenna elements and

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