Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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8.5 InSAR Processing Steps 373While it can be argued that the goal <strong>of</strong> phase unwrapping should be to find the L 0solution, it can also be shown that the L 0 solution <strong>of</strong> the phase unwrapping problemis NP-hard, in effect stating that it is theoretically intractable. This merely means thatunwrapping algorithms should focus on developing efficient heuristic approximations tothe solution. This observation also motivates the use <strong>of</strong> L 1 solutions, since it is well-knownin optimization that L 0 and L 1 solutions are <strong>of</strong>ten similar but that L 1 solutions can usuallybe found much more efficiently.8.5.5 Multibaseline InSARAn alternative approach to resolving phase ambiguities uses a three phase-center systemto provide two different interferometric baselines and therefore two different ambiguityintervals. This approach is very similar in concept to the multiple pulse repetitioninterval (PRI) techniques commonly used to resolve range and Doppler ambiguities inradar [12]. The longer baseline provides precise but ambiguous elevation estimates, asdiscussed earlier, while the short baseline, while imprecise, provides a large ambiguouselevation interval that can be used to resolve ambiguities. A particular implementation inthe RTV system uses two antennas, one a conventional antenna and the other an amplitudemonopulse antenna [7]. A baseline <strong>of</strong> 0.33 m is formed between the conventionalantenna and the monopulse sum port, while a second short effective baseline <strong>of</strong> 0.038m is formed by the elevation monopulse antenna. With an RF <strong>of</strong> 16.7 GHz, p = 1,β = 90 ◦ , and nominal range <strong>of</strong> 5 km and depression angle <strong>of</strong> 30 ◦ , the 0.33 m baselinehas an ambiguous elevation interval h amb <strong>of</strong> about 363 m (equation (8.28)), while theshort 0.038 m baseline gives h amb <strong>of</strong> about 3.15 km, more than enough to represent anyexpected elevation variation for most terrains. This system requires no phase unwrappingalgorithm at all; a very simple algorithm suffices to remove the phase ambiguity inthe conventional InSAR image using the short-baseline monopulse angle <strong>of</strong> arrival information.An additional advantage is that the IPD ambiguity removal is performed ona pixel-by-pixel basis, so errors, if they occur, do not propagate throughout the scene.The cost <strong>of</strong> this improvement is that three receiver channels and image formers mustbe implemented, one each for the monopulse sum, monopulse elevation difference, andsecond antenna channels. Figure 8-23 gives both an orthorectified SAR image <strong>of</strong> thePentagon and the corresponding DTED level 4 DEM generated by the RTV system.FIGURE 8-23DEM <strong>of</strong> thePentagon generatedby the RTV system.(a) OrthorectifiedSAR image, 0.75 mposts. (b) DTED level4 digital elevationmap. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong>Sandia NationalLaboratories.)(a)(b)

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