Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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10.2 Space-Time Signal Representation 459MVMVDRPCIPDIPSDPRFPRIRD-STAPRFRR-STAPRxSNRSINRSLASTAPULAUDSFminimum varianceminimum variance distortionless responseprincipal components inversepost-detection integrationpower spectral densitypulse repetition frequencypulse repetition intervalreduced-dimension STAPradio frequencyreduced-rank STAPreceiversignal-to-noise ratiosignal-to-interference-plus-noise ratioside-looking arrayspace-time adaptive processinguniform linear arrayusable Doppler space fraction10.2 SPACE-TIME SIGNAL REPRESENTATIONIn this section we describe spatial, temporal, and space-time signal representation. SinceMTI radar is our primary concern, we consider temporal signal properties in the context<strong>of</strong> slow-time (pulse-to-pulse) sampling. We begin by describing spatial sampling usinga multichannel array, along with the corresponding spatial filtering operation known asbeamforming. Thereafter, we discuss temporal sampling and Doppler processing as mathematicalextensions <strong>of</strong> the spatial case. We then extend the separate spatial and temporaldevelopments to describe simultaneous space-time signals.10.2.1 Spatial Sampling and BeamformingUsing an array <strong>of</strong> spatial sensors, the radar determines the direction <strong>of</strong> a propagating electromagneticwave by effectively measuring time difference <strong>of</strong> arrival as a phase variationacross the aperture [2,9]. Specifically, the array digitizes the voltage outputs <strong>of</strong> M channels,thereby gathering spatial information embodied in the relative phase <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the measuredsignals. A collection <strong>of</strong> antenna elements, known as a subarray, feeds each receiverchannel. In our discussion we assume the following conditions: the far-field approximationapplies, indicating a planar, propagating wave; the signals are narrowband, suggesting thesignal bandwidth is a very small fraction <strong>of</strong> the signal carrier frequency; M equal sizesubarrays comprise the overall antenna array; and the array configuration exhibits uniformspacing with horizontal, linear orientation. Figure 10-1 depicts the corresponding scenario<strong>of</strong> a propagating plane wave impinging on a uniform linear array (ULA).The signal direction <strong>of</strong> arrival (DOA), frequency, and physical location <strong>of</strong> a givensubarray influence the varying phase shift the propagating wave induces among each <strong>of</strong>the channels. Letting τ s,m represent the delay between the time it takes the wavefront toarrive at a suitably designated reference point and the m-th subarray and defining ω c asthe center frequency <strong>of</strong> the propagating signal in radians, the corresponding phase shift isγ s,m = τ s,m ω c (10.7)

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