Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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13.2 Polarization 599zFIGURE 13-4Poincaré sphere.LCPg 1PVHg 2g 02t2yg 3yxRCP√where ∗ denotes the complex conjugate, g 0 = g1 2 + g2 2 + g2 3 denotes the total power fora completely polarized wave, and therefore, the parameters g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 are independent. Ingeneral, √the wave is partially polarized, and the total average power satisfies the conditiong 0 > g1 2 + g2 2 + g2 3 , and g 1 = g 2 = g 3 = 0 for an unpolarized wave [34]. Stokesparameters for partial polarization will be reviewed in Section 3.3. The derivation <strong>of</strong> theStokes vector in terms <strong>of</strong> tilt and ellipticity angles <strong>of</strong> the polarization ellipse (the lastcolumn in (13.21)) is left as an exercise. Equation (13.21) suggests a simple geometricalinterpretation <strong>of</strong> all polarization states by recognizing that g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 are the rectangularcomponents <strong>of</strong> a point on a sphere with radius g 0 (see Figure 13-4), known as the Poincarésphere. The elevation and azimuth angles in the spherical coordinate system are given byθ = 2τ and φ = 2ψ, respectively. Alternatively, 2ψ and 2τ are the longitude and latitude,respectively, <strong>of</strong> the point on the sphere. Since positive τ occurs for left-hand polarizationand negative τ for right-hand polarization (see (13.11)), the former polarization states mapon to the upper hemisphere and the latter to the lower. These locations on the sphere will bereversed if exp(−iωt) time convention is employed. In fact, all corresponding orthogonalpolarizations are antipodal on the Poincaré sphere. Some examples will be discussed next.Case 13.1: Linear PolarizationIf τ = 0, the wave is linearly polarized along a ray inclined at the tilt angle ψ. It followsfrom (13.21) that the Stokes vector is given by⎡ ⎤1g = g 0⎢ cos 2ψ⎥⎣ sin 2ψ ⎦ (13.22)0Thus, any point on the equator <strong>of</strong> the Poincaré sphere represents a state <strong>of</strong> linear polarization.For (τ,ψ) = (0,0), the wave is horizontally polarized along the x-direction, and thepolarization state is located at (g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 ) = (g 0 ,0,0). Likewise, (τ,ψ) = (0,π/4) resultsin a polarization state on the y-axis with an orientation at 45 ◦ relative to the horizontal,

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