Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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774 CHAPTER 17 Advanced Processing Methods for Passive Bistatic <strong>Radar</strong> SystemsVelocity (km/h)Velocity (km/h)−40−30−20−10010203040−40−30−20−10010203040dB50dB5045403530−40−30−20−1045403530252015105001020304025201510500 50100150 0 50100 150Range (m)Range (m)(a)(b)dB50dB5045−404540−304035−203530−103025 02520 102015 20151030105405000 50100150 0 50100 150Range (m)Range (m)(c)(d)FIGURE 17-16 2D-CCF for a WiFi-based PBR. (a) Without disturbance cancellationusing the registered version <strong>of</strong> the transmitted signal. (b) With disturbance cancellation usingthe registered version <strong>of</strong> the transmitted signal. (c) Without disturbance cancellation usingthe recovered version <strong>of</strong> the transmitted signal. (d) With disturbance cancellation using therecovered version <strong>of</strong> the transmitted signal.Velocity (km/h)Velocity (km/h)both the range sidelobes related to the direct signal contribution and the reflections <strong>of</strong> thetransmitted signal from stationary scatterers. Each peak at zero velocity comes with thecorresponding Doppler sidelobe structure, and this yields a quite high sidelobe level allover the 2D-CCF that completely masks the two targets returns. Figure 17-16b reportsthe 2D-CCF evaluated after disturbance cancellation but without sidelobes control. Thecancellation filter (ECA-B) operates over consecutive batches <strong>of</strong> duration T b = 30 ms.The filter length was set to remove reference signal replicas with delays corresponding toranges between 0 and 330 m. The direct signal and all disturbance contributions at zeroDoppler are effectively removed, thus significantly increasing the useful dynamic rangefor target detection. The car (moving at –25 km/h) now appears as a strong peak in themap, and the human target return is significantly spread in the Doppler dimension aroundits actual location (range = 85 m, velocity =−20 km/h). This is in a measure due the

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