Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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592 CHAPTER 13 Introduction to <strong>Radar</strong> Polarimetry• Scattering matrix definition for radar targets, Sinclair and Jones formulations, transformation<strong>of</strong> the matrix by change <strong>of</strong> bases between orthogonal polarization states• Eigendecomposition <strong>of</strong> the scattering matrix using unitary transformations• Determination <strong>of</strong> optimal transmit/receive polarization states that maximize or minimizebackscattered power• Null polarization states and Huynen polarization fork• Stokes reflection or Mueller matrix for partial polarization and its relationship withKennaugh matrix• Instrumentation setup for scattering matrix measurement (block diagram description)• Impact <strong>of</strong> polarimetry on radar target detection• Extraction <strong>of</strong> radar target features from polarimetric signature data• Polarimetric behavior <strong>of</strong> rain, sea, and ground clutter13.1.3 List <strong>of</strong> SymbolsThe following lists the variable names found within this chapter:r,θ,φ = radius, elevation and azimuth angles in the spherical coordinate systemf = frequency (Hz)ω = 2π f = radian frequency (rad/s)k = wavenumber (1/m)λ = wavelength (m)c = velocity <strong>of</strong> light (m/s)t = time (s)E = electric field intensity (V/m)δ = phase difference between orthogonal field components (rad)P = polarization ratiop = polarization efficiencye t = transmitter antenna polarizatione r = receive antenna polarizationê t ,ê r : transmit and receive polarization state (unit) vectorsCO-POL: Co-polarized transmit and receive statesCROSS-POL: Cross-polarized transmit and receive statesHuynen Fork Parameters:m = maximum received signal for the optimal tranmit polarization stateψ = orientation angle or tilt angle (radar coordinate system)γ = target polarizability angleν = target skip angle (characterizes multiple bounces)τ = ellipticity angle <strong>of</strong> the polarization ellipseAR = axial ratio <strong>of</strong> the polarization ellipse(g 0 ,g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 ) = Stokes parametersg(a) = (g 0 ,g 1 ,g 2 ,g 3 ) = (g 0 ,g) = Stokes vector <strong>of</strong> transmit antenna with polarization ah(b) = (h 0 ,h 1 ,h 2 ,h 3 ) = (h 0 ,h) = Stokes vector <strong>of</strong> receive antenna with polarization bd = degree <strong>of</strong> polarizationM: Mueller matrixK: Kennaugh matrix

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