Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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11.8 References 525Cost reduction <strong>of</strong> Active Electronic Scanning Arrays and wideband integrated frontendswill enable generalization <strong>of</strong> these technologies for the more demanding applications,and intelligent radar management will <strong>of</strong> course be required to take full advantage <strong>of</strong> thebandwidth and agility available on surveillance radar systems.11.7 FURTHER READINGMore details on optimization <strong>of</strong> space-time waveforms are given in the book WaveformDesign and Diversity for Advanced <strong>Radar</strong> Systems edited by F. Gini, A. De Maio, L. K.Patton, Ed (Chapter 13: Space-time diversity for active antenna systems, by J.-P. Guyvarch,L. Savy and F. Le Chevalier). ISBN: 9781849192651; Publisher: IET, 201211.8 REFERENCES[1] Drabowitch, S. and Aubry, C. “Pattern compression by space-time binary coding <strong>of</strong> an arrayantenna”, in Proc. AGARD CP 66, Advanced <strong>Radar</strong> Systems, 1969.[2] Dorey, J., Blanchard, Y., Christophe, F., Garnier, G.: “Le projet RIAS, une approche nouvelledu radar de surveillance aérienne”, L’Onde Electrique, vol 64, N ◦ 4, 1978.[3] Levanon, N., and Mozeson, E.: <strong>Radar</strong> Signals, J. Wiley & Sons (Interscience Div.) New York,2004.[4] Le Chevalier F., <strong>Principles</strong> or <strong>Radar</strong> and Sonar Signal Processing, Artech House, Boston,2002.[5] Guyvarch J.P., “Antenne Spatio-Temporelle à Codes de Phases Circulants”. in Proc. ColloqueGRETSI 97, pp. 607–610, Grenoble, September 1997.[6] Calvary P. and Janer D., “Spatio-Temporal Coding for <strong>Radar</strong> Array Processing”. in Proc.ICASSP 98, pp. 2509–2512, Seattle, 12–15 May 1998.[7] Le Chevalier, F.; Savy, L.; “Colored Transmission for <strong>Radar</strong> Active Antenna”, in Proc. InternationalConference on <strong>Radar</strong> Systems RADAR 2004, Toulouse, France, October 2004.[8] Pouit C.: “Imagerie <strong>Radar</strong> à grande bande passante”, in Proc. International Colloquium on<strong>Radar</strong>, Paris, 1978.[9] Chernyak, V.: “About the “New” Concept <strong>of</strong> Statistical MIMO <strong>Radar</strong>”; in Proc. Third InternationalWaveform Diversity & Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 2007.[10] Dai, Xi-Zeng; Xu, Jia; Peng, Ying-Ning: “High Resolution Frequency MIMO <strong>Radar</strong>”, in Proc.CIE <strong>Radar</strong> 2006, Shanghai.[11] Wu, Yong; Tang, Jun; Peng, Ying-Ning: “Analysis on Rank <strong>of</strong> Channel Matrix for Mono-staticMIMO <strong>Radar</strong> System” , in Proc. CIE <strong>Radar</strong> 2006, Shanghai.[12] Le Chevalier, F.; “Future concepts for electromagnetic detection”, IEEE Aerospace and ElectronicSystems Magazine, <strong>Volume</strong> 14, Issue 10, Oct 1999.[13] Le Chevalier, F.; “Smart beamforming and coloured signals for MIMO radars”, Tutorial at theThird International Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 2007.[14] Le Chevalier, F.; “Wideband ground surveillance waveforms”, keynote speech at APSAR 2007(in Proc. CIE Asian-Pacific Synthetic Aperture <strong>Radar</strong> Conference), Huangshan, PR China,November 2007.

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