Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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17.5 2D-CCF Sidelobe Control 777Auto-Correlation Function (dB)0−10−20−30−40−50ACFACF + BWNACF + BWN + ASRFFIGURE 17-17ACF with sidelobescontrol filters for aDSSS WiFi signalregistration <strong>of</strong>duration 0.25 s.−600 1 2 3Delay (ms)4 5The DSSS system provides a processing gain <strong>of</strong> at least 10 dB that is accomplished bychipping the baseband signal at 11 MHz with an 11-chip pseudo noise code. An 11-chipBarker sequence is used as the pseudo noise code sequence, c = [1, −1, 1, 1, −1, 1, 1, 1,−1, −1, −1], where the leftmost chip is output first in time. The first chip is aligned atthe start <strong>of</strong> a transmitted symbol so that each symbol duration is exactly 11 chips long(T sym = 11 · T chip = 1 μs). Consequently, the resulting signal ACF will be dominated bythe Barker code [16].The ACF obtained for a DSSS WiFi signal registration <strong>of</strong> duration 0.25 s is reportedin Figure 17-17, for the AP broadcasting beacon frames at reasonably regular intervals.Aiming at a local area surveillance application, a delay extent <strong>of</strong> 5 μs is consideredthat corresponds to a bistatic range extent <strong>of</strong> 1.5 km. Specifically, five almost identicalsidelobes appear within time delays <strong>of</strong> T sym = 1 μs (300 m) that are obviously due tothe exploited 11-chip Barker code. As expected, these sidelobes show a PSLR <strong>of</strong> about20log 10 (11) = 20.83 dB and a temporal separation equal to 2T chip . In addition, other strongsidelobes appear at delays multiple <strong>of</strong> T sym (k · 300 m). These sidelobe structures are dueto the cyclical repetition <strong>of</strong> the Barker code, and their level equals the average correlationamong consecutive symbols <strong>of</strong> the data frame. Thus, assuming a random transmission andreasonably large integration times, the corresponding PSLR may be significantly greaterthan that due to the Barker code sidelobes. However, such additional sidelobes structuresshould not be a priori neglected since their level is highly time varying and stronglydepends on the signal content. For example, the PSLR could be seriously degraded ifidentical pulses <strong>of</strong> limited duration are periodically transmitted, as in the case <strong>of</strong> thebeacon frame. In fact, even increasing the integration time, the actual cross-correlationamong consecutive symbols is lower bounded by the cross-correlation evaluated over thesingle pulse consisting <strong>of</strong> a limited number <strong>of</strong> symbols.Therefore, proper filters are presented in the following for the sidelobes level controldistinguishing between those deriving from the Barker code and those appearing atmultiples <strong>of</strong> T sym .Weighting Network for Barker Sidelobes Reduction (BWN)An effective weighting network for reducing the Barker sidelobes in the DSSS WiFi signalACF is presented in [18] along the lines proposed in [49]. Its design exploits the a priori

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