Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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IndexNote: Page numbers followed by “f ” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.AAACER. See Affordable AdaptiveConformal ESA <strong>Radar</strong> (AACER)programAbsolute elevation estimation, InSAR,374–375ACF. See Autocorrelation function (ACF)ACN. See Additive colored noise (ACN)Active electronically scanned array (AESA),87, 111–112, 112f, 124Adaptive antenna array, for passive radar,808–813, 810f–812f, 814fAdaptive cancellation filter, 756–757Adaptive digital beamforming (ADBF), 1, 7,10–11Adaptive feedback, SAR, 647Adaptive jammer cancellation. See Jammercancellation, adaptive algorithms forAdaptive MIMO radar, 109–113dynamic calibration, 111–112, 112ftransmit-independent channel estimation,110–111, 110f, 111fADBF. See Adaptive digital beamforming(ADBF)ADC. See Analog-to-digital converter(ADC)Additional sidelobes reduction filter(ASRF), 778–780, 780fAdditive colored noise (ACN)example, 92–95, 93f, 94fjamming, 110optimum MIMO waveform design for,89–95, 89f, 90f, 93f, 94freceivers for, 90, 90fAdditive Gaussian colored noise (AGCN), 90multichannel radar for, 89fAdditive noise, 242Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 287Advanced SAR (ASAR),ENVISAT, 384AESA. See Active electronically scannedarray (AESA)AF. See Ambiguity function (AF)Affordable Adaptive Conformal ESA <strong>Radar</strong>(AACER) program, 707AGC. See Automatic gain control (AGC)AGCN. See Additive Gaussian colored noise(AGCN)Airborne surveillance radars, coloredtransmission for, 514, 514fAirborne systems, 385–386spaceborne vs., 360–361Aircraft skin return, 543Alignment, DBF, 407Along-track interferometry (ATI), 386,389–392, 391fapplications, 390–391, 391fAlong-track sampling rate, SAR systems,138–139, 229–231, 230fAlpha-beta filter, 675Alternate CFAR detection, 572–574, 573fAlternative hypothesis, radar detection, 2, 3AM. See Amplitude modulation (AM)Ambiguity function (AF), 153–155PBR, 742–743Ambiguity-to-signal ratio (ASR), 242–243AMP. See Approximate message passing(AMP)Amplitude modulation (AM), 538radio, 740Amplitude taper, 48Fourier transform, 51range sidelobes suppression and, 38–39, 38fAMR. See Lynx Advanced Multi-Channel<strong>Radar</strong> (AMR)Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 7, 404,464, 539beat frequency and, 30, 34for CW pulse, 60ENOB, 26hardware, limits <strong>of</strong>, 184processing bandwidth, 37sampling rate, 26, 37, 41–42, 226–227Angle alignment correlation, 577, 577fAngle ambiguity function, for MIMOradar, 141Angle break-locks (track breaks), 544Angle estimation, STAP, 490Angle false targets, 543Angle gating, 580–581, 581fAngle-<strong>of</strong>-arrival (AOA), 97, 104<strong>of</strong> pulse, 538Angle-on-jam, 580Angle track deception techniques, 544–545Angle variance, signal processor-based EPand, 574Angular anisotropy, 187AN/PPS-5 Ground Surveillance <strong>Radar</strong>, 705Antennaarea, stripmap SAR, 322–323auxiliary, 555based EP, 554–561low cross polarization antenna,560–561low sidelobes, 555MLC, 557–558monopulse angle measurement,559–560, 560fnarrow beamwidth, 558passive conical scanning, 558–559,559frandom beam scanning, 558sector blanking, 555SLB, 555–556, 556fSLC, 556–557patterns, jammer cancellation, 434sidelobe canceller, 556systems, activespace-time coding for. See Space-timecoding, for active antenna systemsAntiradiation missile (ARM), 535AOA. See Angle-<strong>of</strong>-arrival (AOA)Appendage-to-torso ratio (ATR), 721Approximate message passing (AMP), 169,179–180ARM. See Antiradiation missile (ARM)Array, MIMO virtual, 122–123Array factor (AF), <strong>of</strong> MIMO radar,131, 132f829

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