Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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ResolutionResolution withDimension Matched Filter CommentsRange (R)cτsimple pulse, length τ2carbitrary waveform, bandwidth B Hz2BRθ 3 real beam imagingCross-range(CR)λR= λR2vT a 2D SARλ2γsynthetic aperture imagingv = platform velocityT a = aperture timeD SAR = synthetic aperture sizesynthetic aperture imagingγ = integration angleSimplified Probability <strong>of</strong> Detection Estimates( )10.62P D =1 + e , A = ln ,−B P FANonfluctuating target,Noncoherent integration <strong>of</strong>N samples(Albersheim’s equation)Swerling 1 Fluctuating Target,No Noncoherent IntegrationZ = SNR + 5 log 1dB 10 N , B = 10Z − A4.541.7 + 0.12A6.2 + √N + 0.44P D = (P FA )11+SNRMiscellaneous RelationsLinear ←→ dB Scale10000 40 dB1000 30 dB500 27 dB23 dB100 20 dBTable <strong>of</strong> ConstantsConstant Symbol ValueSpeed <strong>of</strong> light c 2.99792458×10 8 m/s≈ 3 × 10 8 m/sPermittivity <strong>of</strong> free space ε 0 8.85×10 −12 F/mPermeability <strong>of</strong> free space μ 0 4π × 10 −7 H/mImpedance <strong>of</strong> free space η 377 Boltzmann’s constant k 1.38 × 10 −23 J/K10 10 dB5 7 dB2 3 dB1 0 dB0.5 –3 dB0.2 –7 dB0.1 –10 dB0.01 –20 dB0.005 –23 dB0.002 –27 dB0.001 –30 dBSubset <strong>of</strong> AN Nomenclature Applicable to US <strong>Radar</strong> SystemsFirst Letter Second Letter Third Letter(Type <strong>of</strong> Installation) (Type <strong>of</strong> Equipment) (Purpose)A Piloted aircraft L Countermeasures D Direction finder, reconnaissance,or surveillanceF Fixed Ground P <strong>Radar</strong> G Fire control or searchlight directingM Ground, mobile (installed Y Signal/data processing K Computingas operating unit in a vehiclewhich has no function otherthan transporting the equipmentP Pack or portable (animal or man) N Navigational aids (including altimeter,beacons, compasses, racons, depthsounding, approach, and landing)S Water surface craft Q Special, or combination <strong>of</strong> purposesT Ground, transportable R Receiving, passive detectingU Ground utility S Detecting or range and bearing, searchV Ground, vehicular (installed in Y Surveillance (search, detect, andvehicle designed for functionsmultiple target tracking) andother than carrying electroniccontrol (both fire controlequipment, etc., such as tanksand air control)0.0001 –40 dBSupplements and errata available atwww.scitechpub.com/pomr2

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