Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

Principles of Modern Radar - Volume 2 1891121537

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10.1 Introduction 455It is known that maximizing SINR at the output <strong>of</strong> the space-time processor equivalentlymaximizes probability <strong>of</strong> detection for a fixed false alarm rate [3]. Most STAPperformance metrics thus focus on characterizing algorithm impacts on SINR. SINR lossis generally spatially and temporally varying and characterizes SINR degradation due tothe presence <strong>of</strong> ground clutter.Reduced-dimension STAP (RD-STAP) techniques are common and use frequencydomaintransforms and selection operators to reduce the dimensionality <strong>of</strong> the adaptiveprocessor. Usually a small loss in performance relative to the joint space-time filter resultswhen using RD-STAP. However, its benefits include significantly reduced computationalloading and more efficient use <strong>of</strong> training data, <strong>of</strong>ten leading to more effective adaptivefilter implementation.Covariance estimation is a key consideration in the practical implementation <strong>of</strong> STAP.Heterogeneous or nonstationary clutter violates the requirement that training data usedto estimate the unknown covariance matrix be homogeneous with respect to the nullhypothesiscondition <strong>of</strong> the cell under test. Degraded output SINR and an increase in thedetector’s false alarm rate are the typical consequences. Robust STAP methods must makeprovision for heterogeneous or nonstationary clutter.10.1.2 OrganizationThe subsequent sections introduce the reader to common mathematical operations andnotation used throughout the chapter. STAP discussion relies extensively on the use <strong>of</strong>linear algebra to describe signal and filter characteristics.After this preliminary discussion, this chapter develops spatial, temporal (Doppler),and space-time signal representation. Additionally, the early sections <strong>of</strong> this chapter introducethe reader to spatial beamforming, Doppler processing, and two-dimensional matchedfiltering, which are critical components <strong>of</strong> STAP. The space-time signal formulation is thenused to develop a ground clutter signal model and corresponding clutter covariance matrix.The middle sections <strong>of</strong> this chapter provide a general framework for space-time processingand introduce key STAP performance metrics, including probability <strong>of</strong> detection,probability <strong>of</strong> false alarm, SINR loss factors, and improvement factor. SINR loss is perhapsthe most commonly used STAP metric, and two variants are typical: clairvoyant SINRloss, which compares the SINR at the output <strong>of</strong> a space-time filter with known weights tothe achievable output SNR; and adaptive SINR loss, which compares the adaptive filteroutput SINR to the optimal (known weights) filter SINR. After a discussion <strong>of</strong> metrics,several methods used to calculate the optimal weight vector are given, including the maximumSINR filter, the minimum variance (MV) beamformer, and the generalized sidelobecanceller (GSC).Most STAP discussion centers on ways to approximate the unknown, space-timeweight vector and implement the filter. Two fundamental approaches exist and are discussedin the last third <strong>of</strong> the chapter. The first, and most popular, approach is known asreduced-dimension STAP, which applies deterministic filters and selection operations toreduce the dimensionality <strong>of</strong> the STAP filter and therefore the computational burden andrequirements on training sample support. The second approach is reduced-rank STAP, aweight calculation method based on eigendecomposition <strong>of</strong> the interference-plus-noisecovariance matrix. In the most general sense it results in a projection <strong>of</strong> the data to suppressinterference, followed by a matched filtering operation. Since reduced-rank STAP

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