Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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cnars°r's szconn comms. 1%probation " should be nolonger."For "he that is lilthyshall be filthy still." The Bndegroom has come, and shutto the door. I know, sinner, you will then cry, Lord, Lord,open unto us; but he will say unto you, Depart fromme, ye workers of iniiuig, for I know you not: when Icalled to you to open e oor of your hearts, that I mightcome in and sup with you, ye refused; when I stretchedout my arm all the long day of the gospel, ye regardedit not; I will now laugh at your calamity, and mockwhen fear comeyour Then will the angel, dyingthroug the midst of heaven, cry, with a loud voice,Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth; for,when the last woe is pronounced, and "in the days ofthe voice of the seventhangel, when he shall begin tosound, the mystery of God s ould be finished, as he hathdeclared to his servants the prophets.""The second woeis past, and behold the third woe cometh quickly. Andthe seventh angel sounded; and there weregreat voicesin heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are becomethe kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, andhe shall reign forever and ever," Rev. xi. 14, 15. Bythese passages we leam that, when the sixth trumpethas done sounding, when the second woe is past, thenthe third woe comesquickly. The seventhtrumlp beginsto sound; the mystery of God is a thatfinished-as been spoken by the prophets, that is, all that concernsthe kingdom of Christ; for then will be broughtto pass the saying, Death is swallowed up in victory;for, when the lasttrumpet shall sound, the dead inChrist shall be raised: " or as in Adam all died, evenso in Christ shall all be made alive." "But every manin his own order. Christ the first fruits, afterwards theythat are Christ's at his "The first man is ofcoming."the earth, earthy; the secon Man is the Lord fromheaven." "As is the earthy, such are they also that areearthy; and as is the heavenly, such are they also thatareheavenly." "And as we have borne the image ofthe earthy, we shall also bear the image ofthe heavenly.Now, this] say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannotmherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inheritincorruption." "Behold, I show you a mystery:ll °

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