Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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Q) Lscruas xvm.from the mind of the unenlightened, to open the prisonof the votaries of superstition, and to knock oil' theshackles of bigotry.We have seen, in ourday, Deism'humbled from a bau rant to a crin 'n co hant.We have seen Riomgalilitgmtffrom a monaglchgrgliing? overthe souls and bodies of men with an absolute sway, becomea slave,a ibllower in the wake of Protestants,in publishing and circulating the Scriptures. The Deists,a few years since, had the control of nine tenths ofall Europe; now, not a petty kingdom under their control:the Roman church, for centuries past the mistressof mostof the kings of Europe, now a poor dependanton the breath of kings.Ournrissabnmjqaociehkahave carried the banners ofthe cross where hope never smiled before, nor faitheverlighted the cheerless sky of the heathen's land.And we have seen nations hearing the word of God, andislands convened to the faith of the gospel of Christ.Temperance sockties. We have seen the attack uponintemperance, the Anakim of our world, and we haveheard the shout of triumph from every quarter of theglobe. Rapid, indeed, was the march tovictory !our moral reform societies, Again,our Sabbath schools, ibleclasses, &.c. &.c., are all so many attacks on moral evil,which have produced, in many cases, wonderful effects;so much so, that it has astonished even the projectorsthemselves.These aggravated sins are falling before the all-conqueringweapon of God's word, like the walls of Jerichobefore the blasts of the trumpets; and it will go on conqueringand to conquer, until tyranny, oppression, andslavery, in every form, shall be destroyed.Perhatps nothing,at the present time, impedes the progress o thesethings so much as the popular spirit, the pride, and arroganceof the church herselfl She is, more or less, courtmgthe applause ofthe world. She is mingling her holyreig-ion with the opinions and principles of men. heis proud and seliisutiicient, doting upon her own works,and forgetting her dependenceon God. If this shouldbe the true state of the church, God may suffertoremain asa scourgstothechurcb, "asarod t!yi-ante ortlhfoo1's back."'l

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