Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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34I ntssaxrrrtox on 'ranhim overand nations. Andall that dwell upon the earth shall worshipwhose names are not written in thecome them: and power was givenall kindreds, and tongues,him,book of life of the Lamb slain from thefoundation of the world." Thus we see thecharacter and marks of this power agree inthe writings of Daniel, Paul, and John.And now, if we can find the same _harmonyin the beginning of this power, and inthe ending of the same, agreeing with history,we cannot be far from right.TI-IE BEGINNING OF THE LITTLE HORN,OR PAPACY.Daniel sa s it cameup amongthe tenhorns of the §oman empire, meaning the tenkings; and that he should be diverse ordifferent from the ten. Then he would subduethree kings. Also, Daniel xi. 31:"They shall pollute the sanctuary ofand shall take away the dailystrength,sacri ce, and place the abomination thatmaketh desolate." Paul agrees with Daniel.2 Thessalonians ii. 3-8: "Let no mandeceive you by any means: for that dayshall not come, except there come a fallingaway first, and that man of sin be revealed,the son uf perdition." Verse 4: his character.Verse 5: "Remember ye not, that,when I wasyet vith you, Ltold you oftliesetltings? And now ye know what withltoId»etli, that he might be revealed in his time:

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