Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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Kurcrunn XIX.tum tells us of the second coming of Christ, the mannerand time. Andobiect,many arewillingly ignorantwi l not hear or read on this subject.8. "Perilous times," as described in 2 Tim. iii. 1-7"This know, also, that, in the last perilousdnfys,timesshall onlne; for men shall be lovers o their own selves,covetous, boosters, proud, blasphemexs, disobedient toparents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisersof those that aregood, traitors,lovers of pleasure heagy, high-minded,more than lovers of od, aving theform of godliness, but den ing the power thereof ; fromsuch tum away. For of this sort arethey whichinto houses, and lead captive sillywomen ladencreetpwiins, led away with divers lusts, ever and neverlearning,able to come to the knowled e of the truth..What better description 0? domestic and public societycould we expect fiom the most close observer ofprivate characters, domestic circles, and public societiesof our times, than is here given? One would conclude,had he found this in any other book but the Bible, thatit was a modern writer, well acquainted with the humanbout, and the generationsnow on the earth."9.Dxiparting from t.he faith, giving heed to seducingspirits, a doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy;having their conscience seared with a hot iron;forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain frommeats." Thus Paul tells Timothy, 1 Epistle, iv. 1-3,"Now the Spirit speaketh ex ressly, that in the lattertimes some shalldeplart fiom the faith," 6Lc. This, wemustasacknowledge,been, and is nowfulfilling. Thewhole, almost, o the Christian world have ordeparted,changed their faith within fifteen years; seducing spiritsareevidently at work ; hypocrites are multiplyin amongus; Roman Catholics, Shakers, Pilgrims, Fsnnyg¢Vright,Owen, and others forbid to marry. Roman Catholics,and many othersto abstain fiomments and drinks, whic God hath created tobe receivedwitstm 1.among us, are teachingthanksgiving of them which believe and know. the10. False teachers,making merchandise ofthegoe-

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